Out in the Snow

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"Are you sure, Nat?" Han asks me as I march through the corridors back to the hangar, and to my ship. "The temperature's dropping rapidly."

"That's right, and Luke's out in it," I reply confidently as we enter the hangar. I spot Artoo and Threepio stood by the entrance to the cave, Artoo bleeping worriedly while Threepio tries to console him.

I look back into the hangar and head towards my ship, Han trailing after me. I stop beside the ramp of my ship to say goodbye to him.

"Good luck," Han says. "May the Force be with you."

I nod at him. "Oh, and can you make sure Alina's with Zach or someone she knows well? She's really shaken up."

He nods. "Of course I will."

"Thanks, Han," I smile, pulling him into a quick hug.

I come away from him and head up the ramp into my ship, straight into the cockpit. I close the ramp and switch on the boosters and the engines, and lift off from the ground. I swivel the thrust round and fly out of the hangar.

Snow immediately begins to clog the cockpit window, and the darkness caused by the approaching night and the storm doesn't help either. I switch on the front searchlights, but this does little to help the problem. I can only see about a foot in front of me because the snow causes the light to flash back at me. I'm going to have to rely on my scanner and my Force sensitivity.

This reminds me to adjust the strength of my deflector shield so that it can compensate for the extremely cold weather and insulate the ship, and I keep looking at my scanner hesitantly. No signs of human life as of right now.

However, I slowly begin to feel a presence I haven't felt in three years. The presence of my old Master, Obi-Wan, and I squint in confusion. Why can I feel his presence? Unless he's trying to contact Luke.

I veer my ship towards where I feel his presence the strongest, and sure enough, my scanner beeps indicating human life and the searchlights on the front of my ship illuminate a body laying in the snow. I lower the landing gear and open the ramp, running from the cockpit before my ship completely lands, pulling my goggles down over my eyes and the scarf up over my mouth.

I run out into the storm and immediately get knocked back by the extreme cold and brutal force of the wind and snow.

"Luke!" I shout through my scarf, pushing my way through the dense storm, struggling to run towards him through the deep snow. "Luke!"

I run over to him, throwing myself down next to his body, which is laying face down in the snow. I turn him over, my fingers almost frozen. The only gloves I have on are flying gloves, which are fingerless, and I struggle to take hold of his body.

"Luke!" I cry, cradling him in my arms. "Luke, wake up! Wake up!"

I shake his shoulders violently, but he doesn't respond at all. I make myself believe that he's just unconscious, and I hook my arms around his torso and begin to drag him to my ship. I squint towards my ship as I drag him and myself through the deep snow, my face purple with effort.

"Please, Luke," I say through gritted teeth. "Don't do this. Just hang on."

I haul him up into my ship, and I place him down on the floor gently. I get hit with a blast of hot air, a stark contrast to what we've just been in, and I run to the cockpit to close the ramp. I run back to Luke and kneel down beside his body. I pull my helmet and goggles off, which have become clogged with snow, and it's now that I see the state he's in. His face is bright red, and the left side is covered in a mask of frozen blood.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now