The Battle of Yavin

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We move closer to the Death Star, and the true magnitude of the Imperial fortress is revealed. I look to my left and see Zach's ship flying next to the rest of the Red Squadron in their X-Wings, and then I look to my right and see Gold Squadron heading towards the Death Star in their Y-Wings. I turn my gaze forward again, staring at the Death Star and awaiting orders from Red Leader.

"Red Leader, this is Gold Leader," Gold Leader says.

"I copy, Gold Leader."

"We're starting for the target shaft now."

I move my targeting computer into position.

"We're in position," Red Leader tells Gold Leader. "I'm going to cut across the axis and try and draw their fire."

The Gold Squadron peels off from our main group, heading for the trench, whereas we dive towards the surface of the Death Star.

"Zach!" I call, once again thinking of my brother. "Get in contact with Evan and tell him to get out of there."

"I copy, Nat," he replies, and I then hear him talking faintly to my brother in the background.

Laserbolts suddenly streak through the star-filled sky, and I have to swerve out of the way quickly. The Empire doesn't hesitate to open fire on us with their huge laser cannons.

"Heavy fire, boss!" Wedge yells. "Twenty-three degrees."

"I see it," Red Leader replies. "Stay low!"

I dive towards the surface of the Death Star, opening fire on the surface and aiming at the laser cannons. I pull up just in time as a laser cannon explodes beneath me.

"Good shot, Red Four!" Wedge compliments.

"Thanks Wedge," I breathe, looking around at my wingmen. I see Luke's fighter nosedive towards the surface, and he too opens fire on the Death Star.

"This is Red Five!" he says confidently. "I'm going in!"

His X-Wing races towards the Death Star, laserbolts streaking from the ship and creating a huge fireball on the surface. I suddenly realise he's too low, and he nearly disappears in the fireball.

"Luke! Pull up!" I yell.

His ship bursts from the fireball, with the edges of his wings ever so slightly scorched.

"Are you alright?" Biggs asks his friend.

"I got a little cooked, but I'm okay," Luke says, sighing in relief.

We continue shelling the surface with laserbolts. I avert my eyes to the laser cannons, and see them belching smoke. They're winding up their turbines, ready to fire again.

"Luke, let me know when you're going in," Red Leader commands.

Red Leader's X-Wing flies past Luke, who aims his fighter at the surface again and starts his attack dive.

"Watch yourself!" I warn, looking back to the laser cannons. "There's a lot of fire coming from the right side of that deflection tower!"

"I'm on it," he says.

I also aim my fighter down to the surface, and join Luke on his attack dive. Laserbolts streak from our fighters, and several small radar emplacements on the surface burst into flames. Flak echoes around our cockpits, and I smile at the success of our run. The surface of the Death Star blurs past my window as we peel away from the surface, rejoining the main group.

"I'm going in," Biggs announces as Luke and I rejoin the group. "Cover me, Porkins."

"I'm right with you, Red Three!" Porkins replies, and the two of them dive towards the surface of the Death Star, blasting emplacements and terminals that erupt into huge fireballs.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now