05| Railroad Track

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"This is a really stupid idea."

I called shotgun in the truck, which Glenn was driving.

He was tense; tenser than usual. I didn't blame him. I was even more paranoid than usual about this.

My hand found its way to the knife in my belt loop. There was a gun in my backpack too, in case of emergency. Thinking about it though, considering it is Merle Dixon that we're going back for, I should have probably brought more weapons.

I looked out of the window, noticing the rail tracks that Glenn was following. I then looked up, spotting a fence that was higher than the truck. It was cutting us off from Atlanta.

"He better be okay." Daryl said as Glenn started to slow the truck down.

"It's my only word on the matter." T-Dog said. "I told you the geeks can't get at him. The only thing that's gonna get through that door is us."

Glenn stopped the truck completely.

"We walk from here."

I unclipped my seatbelt and opened the door, sliding out of the front.

The five of us walked along the railroad track, stopping at the gate to open up a part that someone must have already cut open.

Rick hunched down and walked through, the rest of us following.

"Merle first or guns?" Rick asked, stopping in the middle of the street.

"Merle!" Daryl exclaimed. "We ain't even having this conversation."

"We are." Rick turned to Glenn and I. "You know the geography. It's your call."

"Merle's closest." I said. "The guns would mean doubling back."

Glenn nodded in agreement. "Merle first."

We stepped into the geek infested city and quietly made our way to the department store.

Rick lead the way, gun pointed, eyes peeled. Daryl was beside him, crossbow at the ready.

Rick turned his head, and pointed two fingers at his eyes before indicating to the left, where a walker was behind the counter.

Daryl walked quietly around Rick, aiming his crossbow at the geek.

"Damn. You are one ugly skank." He released the trigger on the crossbow and it pierced the woman's skull. He reached down and pulled the arrow out of the walkers head.

I sighed and headed past the guys, leading everyone to the roof.

The boys used the bolt cutters to cut through the padlock.

Daryl was the first out, he kicked the door and ran onto the roof. "Merle! Merle!" He started to sob. "No! No!"

My eyes wandered to a saw and an empty handcuff on the ground; a pale hand beside it.

"No! No! No!" Daryl screamed.

The five of us stared at Merle's severed hand.

"Oh, God" I mumbled in disgust.

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