38| Ghosts

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"You're supposed to feel your feelings. It's what makes you human."

"Oh, thank god," Glenn breathed out in relief almost as soon as I stepped back into the prison, immediately crushing me into a hug. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I replied, giving him an assuring smile before turning my head behind me to glance at Daryl, who'd begun to head past everyone without a word.

"Where's Merle?" Rick asked, obviously voicing the question on everyone's minds. I pulled away from Glenn as everyone started to look to Daryl for answers, but he just continued to walk away.

I shook my head, confirming what seemed to be most people's thoughts. "He didn't make it."

"I'll go," Olivia offered, looking to the empty space ahead of her where Daryl had previously been.

"No," I said firmly, causing her to stop in her tracks. "He needs some time." I turned around to address everyone else. "He's out for revenge," I started, my eyes flitting over Rick, Michonne, Glenn and Maggie, giving each of them a nod. "We all are. The Governor, he's coming for us and he's not going to stop. So we're going to end this, once and for all."

What appeared to be a hint of a smile formed on Rick's face as he nodded back at me, stepping forwards to join me in the middle of everyone. "You heard Blaire. We're gonna need to start preparing."

Upon his words, everybody began to disperse, mixed emotions understandably seeming to fill the air. I mouthed to Glenn that I'd catch up with him in a bit, and started to head towards Rick instead until I heard someone say my name.

I turned around on the spot, noticing Michonne watching me intently. "Hey," I greeted, taking a couple of steps towards her. "Glad you got back okay."

"Thank you," she responded, stepping away from the wall. "For fighting my corner."

"Just doing what anyone else would do," I shrugged indifferently, giving her a nod. "Now, let's end this."

I could have sworn I saw a small smile on her face, something I'd never really expected to see. She always seemed very stern, but there was something about her attitude that I liked. I really hoped she'd stay with our group.

"I know you're still mad at me," Rick said as I approached him, causing me to chuckle slightly at his sudden statement. "But I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you."

"We're preparing for war and you're going all sentimental on me?" I asked, causing him to glance up in the air, letting out a low laugh along with me, until a silence fell again.

"What happened to Merle?"

"Something went down, I'm not quite sure what. It must have been the Governor's doing. But Daryl and I found him," I said, swallowing thickly. "He'd turned."

"How's Daryl doing?"

"I don't think he's doing great," I sighed heavily, shrugging my shoulders. "But you know Daryl, he'll do his best to hide it."

"We'll be here for him," Rick assured. "And if anyone can get through to him, it's you."

"I just– I wasn't Merle's biggest fan, you know, but he meant everything to Daryl. It sucks– it just sucks seeing the people you care about lose the people that they love. And for some reason, I just wanna get my own revenge on the Governor. Revenge on him for doing this, for causing all of this, and for killing Merle."

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