21| Killer

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"I'm badass. Period."

"Keep going straight ahead and then take the next exit on your right." Olivia was looking down at the map, her raven hair shielding her face. "We'll stop and walk from there."

I glanced out of the window, watching to see if Daryl was still a little behind us on his motorbike. So far, it had been a smooth journey. We hadn't had a run in with neither walker nor human.

"So who was that cute guy you were kissing back at the farm?"

I kept my head turned away from her, hiding the stupid grin on my face. "That's Glenn."

"And are you and Glenn together?"

"Um," I mumbled, knowing we hadn't even begun to have a conversation about that yet. "Not really. I- uh, it's complicated."

Olivia nodded, pursing her lips. "I get it," she paused. "So when did you meet?"

I smiled, remembering the very moment Glenn Rhee knocked on my door with a large pizza in his hand. "The day the outbreak started," I answered. "He was a pizza delivery guy and I'd just ordered in," I shook my head, laughing at the memory. "He came in and he– he was rambling about dead people. And I didn't believe him at first but he looked so terrified. Turns out he was right though. After Atlanta fell, we pretty much ended up in the wilderness, which was when we stumbled across the rest of the group."

"That's sweet," she commented, smiling to herself. I wondered if she was thinking about her girlfriend.

"You mentioned a girlfriend," I said, turning to look at her briefly before directing my eyes back to the road. "How did you two end up together?"

"Well," Olivia bit her lip, pulling a face, but she was smiling. "I almost ran over her dog."

My mouth formed an 'o' shape as I looked over at her again, trying to hold back my laughter. "You almost ran over her dog?"

"It was fine, by the way," she confirmed, causing me to chuckle. "Not that Jade was too happy about it. But now we joke about me almost splattering her dog being the best thing that happened to us."

"How long have you two been together?"

"Must be about eight months by now," Olivia answered, letting out a long sigh. "I just hope she's okay."

I nodded, understanding the pain of having to hope and pray that the person you love will make it through. "I'm sure she's fine."


I pushed the car door shut, watching as Daryl climbed off his bike. Olivia still held the map in her hands, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at it from different angles.

"Are you waiting here?" I asked Daryl, indicating to the vehicles. It was probably safe to leave them, but it would be a disaster if someone came along and took them. I wasn't having a repeat of the time we lost the truck in Atlanta.

"You're the boss," Daryl said, then nodding towards Olivia. "Sure you'll both be alright?"

"Will you?" I teased, giving him a lop sided smile. He grunted in response, pulling his crossbow off his shoulder. "Anyway, I thought you were done being everyone's errand boy?"

"I offered, it's different."

I nodded, not entirely sure whether there was more behind it than that. I certainly didn't see Daryl as an errand boy, which is why I didn't treat him like one. I cared about him and I hoped him caring about me was one of the reasons that brought him on this trip. Or maybe he was just feeling guilty about Sophia and needed a distraction. Who knew, it was Daryl Dixon after all.

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