11| Highway to Hell

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"I just really needed a hug."

Shane's idea for Fort Benning became our next destination.

After the CDC incident, we'd all got into four different vehicles and set off through the rural areas of Georgia. I was sat in the RV; Glenn and Dale were up front, with Glenn checking the map and telling Dale where to drive. Shane and Andrea were having a discussion about guns. I was sat, reading one of the books I'd found on Dale's shelf. It was a crime thriller, by Agatha Christie, called 'And Then There Were None.' The title was quite ironic, actually because eventually, I guess there would be nobody left in this world.

The RV started to slow down and I turned around, looking out of the window to see cars piled up in, what must have been, a traffic jam. "Jeez," Glenn muttered as Dale tried to find a way around the vehicles. Cars were flipped over, left open. Some were off the road too. All abandoned.

Dale drove slowly through a few more cars until Daryl, on his motorbike, pulled up beside the RV.

"Can you see a way through?" I asked, standing up to get a better look.

"Maybe we should just go back-" Glenn started, studying the map. "There's an interstate bypass-"

"We can't spare the fuel."

Suddenly, the hose busted and smoke broke through the hood of the RV. Dale started to slow down, a heavy sigh sounding from him. I groaned. We were stuck and the hose was busted, so we definitely weren't moving any time soon.

Irritated, I opened the door and climbed out, meeting the others who had parked their vehicles. Dale headed over to where the smoke was coming from. "Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water," He grumbled.

"Problem, Dale?" Shane asked.

"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-" My gaze directed over to Daryl, who headed to the vehicle in front of us and pulled open the back, showcasing supplies. "Okay, that was dumb."

"If you can't find a radiator hose here, there's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," He said, pulling things out of the back.

"I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start," T-Dog said, heading over to a car to do exactly what he'd said.

"Maybe some water," Carol muttered. "Or food"

"This is a graveyard," Lori spoke up, holding on to Carl. Her eyes flickered around the group before landing on Rick. "I don't know how I feel about this."

Everyone seemed to fall silent, glancing around at each other. Until T-Dog spoke up. "All right, all right," He walked past, noticing a can with a hose and drain nearby. "Here we go."

"Come on, y'all. Just look around, gather what you can," Shane ordered. 

"Carl always within my sight, okay," Lori instructed, followed by Carol.

"You too Sophia."

"Rick-" I grabbed his arm, lowering my voice. "Are you sure Fort Benning is a good idea? You know, if we ever get there."

"It's Shane's call."

"He's obsessed with it. It's a dream, just like the CDC was," I hissed, looking over to make sure Shane wasn't lurking around. "Glenn mentioned an interstate bypass. I know it's not my call but I think that once the RV is fixed, we should all head back that way and find somewhere else."

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