36| Negotiations

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"There's no me without you."

"We need to talk," Glenn stated firmly as he stepped into our cell, his expression emotionless. I watched him with slight surprise as he stopped at the foot of the bed, slowly sitting down.

"Yeah," I replied, beginning to sit up properly. "We do. Glenn-"

He cut me off. "You and Daryl-" I couldn't help letting an annoyed groan escape my lips, but he continued nonetheless. "I get why you're so angry with him but-"

"There aren't any 'buts' Glenn," I interjected. "Daryl's being an asshole."

"Have you even stopped to consider-"

"Stopped to consider what, Glenn?" I bit back. "You know, don't even think about criticising me after the shit you've been talking-"

"I've been trying to keep us all together. I've been keeping us alive!" He defended, suddenly rising up from his position on the bed.

"Oh yeah, because proposing to storm back into Woodbury with no plan whatsoever is a great idea-" I shot back sarcastically, also standing, straightening my back. Glenn's attitude frustrated me, it had been doing all day, all week.

"I didn't see you doing anything about it," he snapped back in response. I raised my eyebrows, taking a step towards him, unable to comprehend how stupid he'd been to utter those words.

"I didn't do anything about it?" I practically yelled. "I spent all day trying to stop you from getting yourself killed! You think that's the best way to lead a group? You don't have a clue how to lead, Glenn."

He stared at me, almost bewildered by my outburst. He shook his head, and I instantly began to regret my words.


"Forget it."

I swallowed thickly, watching as he left the cell. I was too stunned to say anything, to get him to stay. Tensions were high and I'd been taking my anger out on everyone, but maybe I was really the one at fault.


It was quiet outside the barn.

Rick, Daryl, Hershel and I had left the prison sometime after my argument with Glenn. Andrea had proposed Rick meet with the governor to make some negotiations, and he, after some reluctance, agreed. It seemed to be an obvious decision that he'd take Hershel and Daryl with him, but I was a little surprised when he asked me to come along too.

Rick was inside with the governor and Daryl had gone to collect Hershel from the car. I stood, taking in my surroundings, keeping my eyes peeled for any suspicious activity. In my opinion, the whole thing seemed a little iffy. 

The sounds of tires pulling up nearby grabbed my attention. I began to move towards a beige coloured SUV that had pulled up. I watched in confusion as Andrea, a man in glasses and a dark haired guy stepped out of the car.

"What the hell?" Daryl questioned the three of them as I finally reached him and Hershel. "Why's your boy already in there?"

"He's here?" Andrea asked, seeming as if it was all news to her, a frequent expression I'd noticed on her face recently.

"Yeah," I started, glancing briefly at the two men with her. They didn't seem too intimidating. "What's going on?"

Instead of answering my question, Andrea shared a look with the two men behind her and headed into the barn. I looked at Daryl, who shifted his stare away from me. After a long while of awkward silence, Hershel spoke up.

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