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"You ready for this?"

The group trudged silently through the forest after Rick.

Once we had made it a fair distance away from Terminus, he came to a stop, moving a few feet away to bring out a small shovel that had been cleverly concealed by brambles and leaves.

He dug down into a mount of dirt nearby, eventually revealing the blue bag of weapons we'd left behind.

"The hell are we still around here for?" Abraham questioned harshly, his eyes narrowing as he watched Rick pull the bag out from the ground.

"Guns, some supplies," Rick responded. "Go along the fences. Use the rifles. Take out the rest of 'em."

"Wait," I snapped my head in his direction. "What?"

"They don't get to live," he bit back, his stare hardening.

"Rick, we got out," Glenn argued. "It's over."

"It's not over until they're all dead," Rick countered sternly, roughly pulling out his revolver to check it over.

"The hell it isn't," Rosita snapped back. "That place is on fire. Full of walkers."

Abraham nodded in agreement. "I'm not dicking around with this crap. We just made it out."

"The fences are down," Maggie added, calmly. "They'll run or die."

Rick remained quiet as he appeared to deliberate over his choices. Whilst waiting, I took the opportunity to bend down beside the bag of weapons. I reached inside, rifling through until, I found the two knives I'd left in there, along with a clip of ammo.

I brushed the dirt from my knees as I straightened up again, noticing Glenn watching me with raised eyebrows.

I shrugged. "Girl's gotta be prepared."

An amused smile tugged at the corner's of his mouth, only it faltered moments later. His eyes darkened, wandering over my shoulder and into the distance. Beside me, my mom and Olivia both stiffened. I began to turn around, my heart leaping in surprise as I watched a dark figure, completely covered in blood and dirt, emerge from behind Daryl.


Daryl's eyes widened with surprise as he quickly whipped his head around, coming face to face with her. I froze, swallowing thickly as he lurched forwards, throwing himself into her arms and hugging her tightly.

Rick let out a somewhat relieved laugh, moving towards them both. Daryl soon stepped back, his bright eyes turning back to look at the group. Our eyes met for the briefest instance, and his gaze soon faltered as he seemed to remember what happened back at the prison.

I swallowed thickly as I watched Carol warmly embrace Rick. Glenn soon reached for my hand, squeezing it tightly. I lifted my head up to face him, giving him a small nod of assurance.

I wasn't angry at Carol, and, for the most part, I didn't intend to be hostile. I knew I wasn't supposed to take what she did personally – Rick had repeatedly told me that she wasn't in the right place, the right state of mind. But that didn't mean it never happened. And it didn't mean I could just forget that it did so easily.

"Did you do that?" Rick asked, referring to the devastation back in terminus. Carol smiled up at him, letting out a small laugh in response, until, all of a sudden, her eyes suddenly widened with urgency.

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