34| War

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"If he thinks he's next in charge, then he's wrong."

Daryl's words stung.

They hurt more than anything. It was like a punch in the gut. It left me stunned; unable to think, unable to form a single sentence, unable to move.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't turn around. I couldn't. I just stood watching Daryl leave us; watching him disappear into the trees.

Tears formed in my eyes, but I blinked them away quickly. I wouldn't let myself cry over an asshole like him. If he was being stubborn then I could be too.

"Come on," Rick said gently, his hand rubbing my back comfortingly. "Let's go home."


The gates opened and Rick stopped the car, immediately rushing out to greet Carl. I opened the passenger side door, smiling brightly when I saw Carol stood watching us.

"Hey!" I greeted cheerfully, pulling the woman into a hug. Daryl had told us earlier, to my relief, that they'd found her. I hadn't been particularly close to Carol, but thinking she was gone made me appreciate the woman she was much more. I quickly pushed any thoughts of Daryl aside, focusing on the people around me.

"Blaire," she said, pulling away and placing a hand to my face. "Are you okay? Let's get you in to Hershel to patch you up."

I'd completely forgotten about any injuries I'd received. The mention of them, however, brought back the dull ache on my face from the punch. I gave her a weak smile, glancing back behind me to see Rick, Olivia, Maggie and Glenn all watching me.

Carol's eyes wandered past me, obviously noticing the absence of a person. "Carol-" I started, but her question cut me off.

"Where's Daryl?"

Rick walked forwards, placing a hand on her shoulder. I looked away, the crushed look on Carol's face reminding me of just how I felt.

"It's all right. He's alive," he assured. "We ran into his brother."

Carol glanced at me and I nodded solemnly, confirming what she must have been thinking. "They went off."

"He left?" She asked in disbelief, her voice small. "Daryl left? He-He's gone? Is he coming back?"

I glanced away, looking down at the ground. "Hey," I heard Rick say, but when I lifted my head up again, Carol had shoved him away and left, Rick rushing after her.

I looked to my side to see Carl watching me, and gave him a reassuring smile. "Come on buddy, let's get inside."

I went to place my hand on his shoulder, but to my surprise he took mine in his, holding it tightly. My heart warmed and I couldn't help but smile at his gesture. We'd lost a lot of people recently, people who'd been with us from the start. It amazed me how well such a young kid could cope with that. But knowing that I could provide some kind of comfort to him, that he'd have someone else to look to, made me really happy.

The anger that had been raging inside me about Daryl and Merle and everything that happened, was suddenly replaced by a feeling of serenity.


"He had fish tanks full of heads," Michonne pointed out as we stood around a map, discussing a plan. "Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming."

I had to say, I was beginning to like the woman. She was fierce, a little intimidating, but also a great fighter.

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