28| Moments

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"I love you. More than anything."

Stepping out of the cell blocks the next morning, I noticed an upset looking Carl sat at the table, playing with his gun. Sighing, I made my way over to him, feeling obligated to try and cheer him up now that I'd seen him.

Rick had made a deal with the prisoners last night, giving us access to the pantry and half of the prison food, as well as us being able to stay in the cells. Sometime between then and when I woke up the next day, Carl had gone out seeking medical supplies and had come back with them, only to get reprimanded, understandably, by a concerned Lori.

I pulled out a chair, sitting down silently when he didn't look up to acknowledge my presence. "Carl," I started with the most calming voice I could muster. "What you did, getting those supplies, was really brave. Everybody is incredibly thankful that you did it, but it was really dangerous to go out there on your own. I don't doubt for a second that you can't handle yourself, but next time I'm begging you to let one of us go with you. Even I wouldn't be willing to risk my life by going out there alone, I'd always go with someone else, so there's no harm in you asking one of us either, okay?"

Carl was quiet for a moment, eventually looking up. "You think I'm brave?"

"I think you're braver than me," I replied, noticing a small smile on his face as he lifted his head up. "We all care about you kiddo, and we don't wanna see you hurt."

"Blaire-" I turned around, spotting Olivia by the stairs.

"Hey," I smiled, looking back to Carl again and giving him a small nod. I stood up, patting him on the shoulder before making my way over to the stairs. "What's up?"

"Are you busy?" She asked as the two of us began to head up to the top of the stairs.

I shook my head, beginning to become concerned by the look on Olivia's face. "Are you okay?"

I took a seat on the top step beside her, watching as her eyes darted around, avoiding my gaze. She let out a heavy sigh, finally turning to face me. "I figured out that it's been about a year since Jade and I got together," she said, and I felt my chest tighten with emotions. I didn't know exactly how she felt, but I could see the broken look on her face. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. "And I-" she cut off, a sob catching in her throat. "I just-" I reached for her hand, giving it a small squeeze. "I miss her so much."

"I know," I said gently. "I'm so sorry."

"I still have this feeling, you know, that she's still out there. She's still fighting," she stared out into the distance, her eyes filling with tears. "I know she is."

The two of us sat in silence for a moment, and my mind began to wonder to my parents. I always thought not knowing what happened to them was better, but recently I'd wanted them more than ever. I wanted them to tell me they loved me one more time, I wanted to tell them that I loved them one more time. I wanted them to see what kind of person I'd become, I wanted them to meet Glenn, Liv, Rick, the whole group. I wanted them here with me, safe.

"Do you ever wonder what happened to your family?" She questioned, as if knowing exactly what was playing on my mind.

"Yeah," I replied defeatedly, turning my head to the side. "All the time."

"My mom, we used to fight all the time-" she chuckled nostalgically. "But God, she was my best friend. I loved her to death."

"What happened?" I asked, looking back her way again.

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