41 | Accident

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"Well, that was close."

It had weeks since the Woodbury survivors had moved into the prison.

Although I'd had my doubts at first– what with so many new people meaning even more mouthes to feed and more people to watch out for– I'd definitely be proved wrong.

Many of them already had acquired a number of skills during their time at Woodbury, and those who hadn't were always attending mine and Olivia's classes. In no way were they a hindrance, they were in fact a great addition to our group.

An outside area had been created, consisting of tables and benches for everyone to sit and eat food together. It was a nice atmosphere, and I only hoped that it would last.

"Are you going to just stand there and watch me all day or what?" Olivia's voice startled me slightly, and I realised I'd been stood by the walls, staring emptily as she tried to work.

"Sorry, I just came to check up on you," I responded, ignoring the harsh edge to her tone as I knew she was under a lot of pressure. I took a few steps closer to her, looking over to see how she was getting on.

For the last few days, Olivia had been situated in a smaller room, working hard on a formula for bullets and grenades. The room was a mess though, what with pencils strewn about and crumpled sheets of paper littering the floor.

Unfortunately, we were running out of the supplies she'd been experimenting on, and we'd been unable to locate any more of the ones she'd need to even attempt to make the weapons. Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Jade and I had been on countless supply runs, but with no luck. Yet, Liv still persevered with the formula.

"Let's just say, if Daryl hadn't lost that stupid book, things would be a lot easier," she responded bitterly, gripping the pencil in her hand so hard that I heard it snap. "Oh, not again," she hissed, flinging it to the side in frustration.

"Liv," I started softly. "Maybe you should take a break–"

"Nope," she said, leaning forwards to grab another pencil. "No rest for the wicked."

A knock at the door caught my attention, but Olivia didn't even so much as glance up. Jade stepped into view, smiling weakly. "Hey. I just came to see how things were going?"

"Could be better," Liv said, leaning back in her seat with a heavy sigh. "I'm down to my last lot of gunpowder."

"We're going on another run today," Jade said gently before nodding over at me. "Daryl said he wanted to see you, by the way."

"All right," I replied as Jade gave me a weak smile before turning her attention back to Liv. "See you guys in a bit."

"See you later, Blaire," she replied brightly, Olivia following with a low mumble which sounded a little like a "goodbye", but I couldn't be sure.

I left the room promptly, heading out through the cell blocks to the courtyard, where I expected to find Daryl.

"Morning, Blaire," Karen, a kind brunette lady from Woodbury, greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Karen," I replied with a small wave as we headed past each other. The kindness of that woman had the power to brighten my day, I swear.

It didn't take me long to find Daryl, as I soon spotted him skulking near one of the fences, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face as per usual.

Amused by the look on his face, I made my way over to him, a light skip in my step. "Morning, sunshine!" I beamed, flashing him a teasing grin as I came to a stop in front of him.

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