17| Choices

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"That is next level creepy shit."

The sound of a gunshot ringing from the distance not only scared the living shit out of me, but it also caught everybody else's attention.

I'd been in the kitchen with Lori and the others, attempting to help cook a meal, when all of a sudden a loud bang, followed by Rick's shouts, was heard very clearly. Lori, suddenly very pale, dropped everything where she was and ran outside. I placed the plate in my hands on the counter and followed her out, my heart thudding in my chest as I thought of horrible possibilities. The last time this happened, Carl was shot.

"Rick!" I heard Lori sob from ahead of me. Andrea turned her head, looking incredibly guilty.

"What on earth's going on out here?" Hershel demanded, his eyes scanning around all of us.

I moved forwards, watching as Glenn and Dale stepped out of the RV. Everybody began to gather on the grass where Shane and Rick were holding an unconscious Daryl up.

"Oh my god," I breathed out, stopping beside Glenn. "Is he okay?"

"Is he dead?" Andrea panicked.

Rick and Shane began to haul Daryl along, me stepping backwards to keep up with them. "Unconscious," Rick informed. "You just grazed him?"

I whipped around, facing Andrea. "You shot him? What the hell were you thinking?"

"I thought he was a walker," she mumbled back, her guilty eyes looking distant.

"But look at him," Glenn started. I glanced at Daryl again; his clothes were torn, his skin bloodied and scratched. "What the hell happened?" I shook my head, walking beside Rick as Glenn seemed to notice something else. "He's wearing ears."

I frowned, noticing the ear necklace around Daryl's neck that Rick quickly pulled off and tossed to the ground. "Let's keep that to ourselves."

"Guys," T-Dog called out, causing me to stop and look over at him. A tattered doll was in his hand and I immediately recognised it. "Isn't this Sophia's?"


The next morning, the atmosphere was a little tense. After Andrea shot Daryl, Hershel became much more cold towards us. Along with everybody wanting to get looking for Sophia, the dinner we had all prepared didn't go down well and the tension hadn't eased overnight either.

Daryl was inside, lay in bed with a scowl. Taking a deep breath to prepare myself, I knocked lightly on the door, expecting him to turn me away as soon as he saw me.

"Hey," I gave him a weak smile, stepping inside the room. I got a grunt in response. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," he replied coldly.

"Daryl," I started, with a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry about what happened back at the highway."

"Not your fault."

"Yeah it is, I was angry and-"

He cut me off. "You were right. We all need to start pullin' our weight around more and that what I've been doin'."

I pulled out the chair beside his bed, smiling as I sat down. "Thank you. You know, everything you've been doing to find Sophia has been really great."

He shrugged. "Just doin' my bit."

"And we're all grateful for that," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Oh, and I'm sorry you almost got shot. Shame she missed though," I teased, causing Daryl to look up at me with a glare. I laughed. "Just kidding, I'm glad you're okay. Rest up, yeah?"

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