27| Prisoners

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"Man, you don't make the rules."

"Suit up," Rick instructed, chucking a protective vest over to me. I caught it swiftly, pulling it over my head with ease. "We're gonna push through, regain the other cell blocks."

After gearing up properly and positioning weapons, we began to head towards the door that led to the other sections of the prison. Rick took the lead, holding out the flashlight in front of him as he opened the door.

It was dark, deserted and full of the dead. I felt my chest tighten with nerves as we moved through the corridor, Glenn pausing briefly to spray paint the wall so we'd know where to go on the way back.

Suddenly, just when it had all seemed to be going too smoothly, I heard familiar moans and groans as we ran into a whole hoard of walkers.

"Go back! Go back!" Rick screamed as I automatically spun back around the other way, crashing in to Olivia in the process. We rushed back the way we came, only to be blocked off by another group of walkers. Next to me, I heard Maggie let out a shrill scream and turned to see a walker had almost grabbed her. Automatically, I aimed my gun, pulling the trigger and dragging her away as the walker fell.

We turned the corner, halting when we both realised we'd split from the group. "Shit!" I cursed, running my hand through my hair as I looked around in all directions. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"This way!" Maggie grabbed my arm again as we narrowly missed another group of walkers. I could hear voices ringing around in the air and the two of us pushed on further, sliding into another corridor to see a bloodied Hershel, bitten by a walker.

"Oh god."

I froze, the frantic sounds echoing all around me. My heart raced, panic flowing through my body as Hershel's screams of pain became louder.

"Blaire!" My eyes snapped up to Rick, who appeared to have been shouting at me for a while. I glanced around me, nothing walkers closing in on us from both sides.

Daryl and Olivia stepped past me and I shared a nod with them both, knowing that we were going to have to try and make a path through the walkers.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I moved towards the herd, shooting every few seconds as we inched backwards, allowing the others to get Hershel to safety.

"In here! In here!" I heard Maggie yell and I quickly slipped through the door, pressing my back to it as soon as it closed shut. Daryl stood next to me doing the same, whilst T-Dog and Olivia struggled with the other door. I watched as the others knelt around Hershel, and saw Rick's axe swing up in the air.

Even from the distance I was at, I could still hear it cut through flesh and bone as a few sickening slashes pierced the air. I opened my eyes again, trying to ignore the feeling of my stomach twisting. I spotted a movement behind Rick and instantly raised my gun, Daryl doing the same next to me.

Five men stood behind the metal bars, all looking horrified. The smallest one was the first to speak, his eyes wide. "Holy shit."

They were prisoners, it was clear by their jumpsuits. Yet, I was baffled to how they'd survived so long.

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl demanded.

"Who the hell are you?" One of them shot back.

"He's bleeding out, we gotta go back!" Rick exclaimed, capturing my attention for a moment. "Put pressure on the knee! Hard! Hard! Push, push!"

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