47 | Justified

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"The right choice is the one that keeps us alive."

The weapon slipped from my hands, inelegantly falling down beside my feet.

I let a breath of disbelief fall from my lips as I lifted my gaze to meet Rick's horrified eyes. His shoulders jolted, his body visibly shuddering as he took a careful step over the body in front of him, his unblinking eyes beginning to take in the scenes of destruction around us.

A deathly silence loomed in the air.

I shifted my eyes to Carl and Michonne. They remained far away, sat rigidly, frozen still, as their widened eyes looked on. I glanced away, swallowing thickly in response to the blood pounding erratically in my ears.

Time stood still for a moment longer.

Eventually, it was Daryl who moved first, lurching forwards so fast that I barely had time to prepare myself before he'd crashed into me. My legs felt weak, shaky, as I stumbled back slightly, the force knocking me off balance. Inhaling sharply, he wrapped his arms tight around my back as I leaned closer to him, grasping at his jacket to steady myself.

"Hey," I breathed out, a watery laugh escaping my lips as the two of us swayed slightly, neither ready to let go. "I missed you too buddy."

Daryl let out an audible sigh of relief, and I watched through almost watery eyes as he pulled back. "I thought you were dead," he said hoarsely, eyes scanning over me, as if he couldn't believe I was actually still here. "Thought you got out with Carl, 'n' then I saw you wasn't with 'em–"

"I never found him," I breathed out, my throat feeling tight all of a sudden as I met Carl's eyes. "I never found him."

I stepped aside as the words left my mouth, watching as Carl began to rush towards me. I moved forwards, bending down to meet him in a relieved hug. "Hey kiddo," I smiled tearfully after a few moments, instinctively moving back to check over him for any sign that he was hurt. A quiet sob seemed to leave his mouth, and he quickly moved his arms around me again, gripping me tightly as his body began to shake lightly in my arms.

Michonne took a step forwards cautiously. "You on your own, Blaire?"

I looked up in response, shaking my head as Carl began to untangle his arms from around me. "No, I'm with Liv and Jade." I cast my mind back to the two of them, realising how long I'd likely been gone for. "I should probably get back to them, they'll be wondering where I am."

Carl moved away, eyes glazed with tears, as Michonne moved forwards to place a comforting arm on his shoulder. The two of us shared a nod as I began to move past her to retrieve my gun, stopping momentarily as I reached out to give her arm a reassuring squeeze. She returned the gesture with a small smile.

"I'll go with you," Rick eventually stated, his low voice rough and gravelly. I slid my gun back into it's holster, turning to meet his haunted eyes. He watched me vacantly.

"No," I dismissed. "No. You should stay here. You should stay with Carl."

"She's right," Daryl agreed, heavily stepping past one of the lifeless bodies to pick up his discarded crossbow. "Stay with your boy. I'll go with Blaire." 

"They're not far," I assured him with a nod, looking over each person in turn, before I let my gaze finally settle on Rick again. "We'll be back soon."

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