13| Hope

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"Oh, zen master, teach me your zen ways."

The sound of the gunshot rattled through my body, causing my heart to jump. My frantic eyes fluttered around, trying to pinpoint the sound, which seemed to be echoing around us. The sickening worry for those who were back at the church was rising in my stomach. I glanced at the trees around us, trying to control my heavy breathing. "You guys heard that, right?"

Glenn's eyes flickered to mine and he nodded, his chest rising and falling with each panicked breath he took. There was a thick atmosphere of fear in the air. "Yeah."

"Come on, keep going," Daryl said, heading past me and taking the lead. I shared a look with Glenn before reluctantly following, keeping my eyes open for a sign of anything.

The fact that it was only one gunshot worried me. Why just one? Neither Rick or Shane would shoot a single bullet, especially in such an open space. It would have been too stupid to take down a walker like that. It was way too risky and they both knew that. So where did it come from?

"Are you still worrying about it?" I snapped my head up to see Andrea looking at Lori, who had stopped a couple of feet back to stare in the direction we'd just come from.

"It was a gunshot," Lori stated. "We all heard it. Why one? Why just one?"

"Maybe they took down a walker."

Even I scoffed at that comment. Lori shook her head. "Please don't patronize me."

"Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down a walker," I chimed in. "Neither would Shane. But I don't think there's anything we can do about it now. If we go back, they might not even still be at the church. We don't wanna get lost out there, especially now it's getting later. Plus, it might not have even been them."

Lori sighed and looked back in the direction we'd heard the shot come from again. This time, it was Carol who spoke up. "Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?"

"Like Blaire said, there's nothing we can do about it," Daryl said, almost impatiently. "Can't run around these woods chasing echoes."

"So what do we do?"

He turned towards Lori. "Same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway."

I sighed, still mildly unsure of the plan. But, deep down, I knew there was no point heading back into the woods.

"I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the RV," Andrea said as we all started walking again. I manoeuvred around a couple of trees, walking beside Glenn, Daryl and Lori. Glancing behind me, I noticed Andrea and Carol together. "I'm sorry for what you're going through," I heard Andrea state. "I know how you feel."

"I suppose you do," Carol muttered before smiling at her. "Thank you. The thought of her, out here by herself-" she cut off, eyes wandering over to the four of us stood waiting. "It's the not knowing that's killin' me. I just keep hopin' and prayin' she doesn't wind up like Amy." The air around us suddenly became thick with awkwardness and Carol's eyes widened. "Oh, God!" She grabbed Andrea's arms, pulling her towards her. "That's the worst thing I ever said."

Andrea shook her head blankly. "We're all hoping and praying with you, for what it's worth."

"I'll tell ya what it's worth-" Daryl snapped as he stomped over to the two of them, showing no remorse despite the whole conversation that had just happened. "Not a damn thing. It's a waste of time, all this hopin' and prayin'. We're gonna locate that little girl. She's gonna be just fine," he said, his eyes meeting Carol's. He glanced between her and Andrea before turning back around and walking away. "Am I the only one zen around here? Good lord."

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