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"Nobody survives on their own anymore."

"We gotta go back–"

I'd barely taken a step forwards before Olivia and Jade had swiftly moved themselves in front of me, blocking my way past.

"No," Liv stated firmly, her hand quickly moving to my shoulder within seconds after I tried to take another step. "Going back there is suicide."

"I don't care." I curled my fingers around her wrist, forcefully shoving her arm away as I set my eyes back on the pathway to the prison.


I came to a stop in my tracks, whirling my head back around to face her. "My family is back there."

Olivia's lips parted for a moment as she watched me, her hardened brown eyes softening for the slightest moment. She glanced to the side, seeming unsure on what to say, whilst my own eyes simultaneously landed on Jade. "Liv's right," she said. "Going back is suicide."

An intense irritation flared inside me at her words, and I found myself grinding my teeth together harshly, my sights still set on home.

"Blaire," Olivia started again, any ounce of previous hostility already replaced with a much calmer tone. "Listen–"

"Bullshit," I snapped, my shoe scuffing roughly against the ground as I stormed past Olivia. "This is bullshit."

"No, Blaire." She spoke with the firm, assertiveness from before again, the words erupting from her tongue almost venomously. "This is how you survive. How we survive."

"Liv," I started again, her name falling from my mouth in exasperation. "I'm not asking you to come back with me–"

"So what, you think you'll make it on your own?" A smile of disbelief began to pull at her lips. "Even if you get back there, what are you gonna do when you realise everyone else has left too?" She took a step forwards, her eyes narrowed. "You think they're all gonna be waiting around for someone to come back? For you to come back?"


"No, Blaire, their asses will already be out of there by now trying to survive!" I inhaled sharply, bringing my bottom lip between my teeth as I held Olivia's gaze, unable to find it within myself to back down. "This frustration, th–this wild desperation to go storming back there – it's going to get you killed."

"But helping you look for Jade was different, right?" I bit back before I could stop myself. "Almost getting myself killed for your non-existent group was different too, huh?"

Olivia's jaw clenched, her eyes ablaze. "I was desperate, Blaire. You would have done the damn same."

"No, Olivia," I ground out. "I wouldn't have put people's lives in danger like that–"

She let out a breath of disbelief, sparing a glance to the side. "Then what are you trying to do right now then?!"

"I'm not forcing you to come with me!"

"Fine!" She snapped, her voice cutting sharply through the air. She looked down at me, shaking her head. "Go back. Get yourself killed. It's your funeral."

Abnormality || Glenn Rhee [1]Where stories live. Discover now