32| Capture

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"Do your worst."

"Merle?" Glenn questioned in disbelief. I glanced to him and then back at the man in front of us, equally as shocked to see him again.

Merle Dixon laughed, dropping his gun to the ground and holding his hands up. "Wow!" He exclaimed, stepping closer towards the three of us.

I didn't lower the gun in my hands, my finger absentmindedly brushing over the trigger. As Merle came closer, I noticed the blood caking his face and hands, making it look like he'd just walked straight out of a fight. My stomach churned.

"Back the hell up, Dixon," I snapped, my eyes narrowing at him. I did not trust him one bit.

"Okay, okay, honey," he said, causing me to clench my jaw, just the sight of him filling me with the hatred I used to have for the man. I shared a glance with Glenn, whose whole body had tensed.

"You made it."

"Can you tell me, is my brother alive? Huh?" He questioned, his eyes flitting between the three of us.

"Yeah," Glenn answered, his body still rigid. He didn't show any emotion on his face, but I knew just how much he despised the man too.

Merle seemed to let out a laugh of relief, nodding. "Hey, you take me to him and I'll call it even on everything that happened up there in Atlanta. No hard feelings. Huh?"

I stared at him a little longer, still slightly amazed that he was still alive. I hadn't expected him to make it. And I certainly never imagined that I'd see him again.

I glanced at Glenn, who's eyes seemed to be looking at the weapon on Merle's arm. Something he had in replacement for his hand.

Merle noticed, letting out another laugh as he held it up higher. "You like that?" He asked. "Yeah. Well, I found myself a medical supply warehouse. Fixed it up myself," he laughed again, and I began to tense. Something was about to go very wrong. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"We'll tell Daryl you're here and he'll come out to meet you," I stated, not prepared to bring a man like Merle Dixon back to the group. No way was he coming near Judith, Carl, Beth or any of us.

"Hold on. Just hold up," Merle began to protest, causing me to roll my eyes. "The fact that we found each other is a miracle," he had an smile plastered on his ugly face as he took a step closer again. "Come on, now. You can trust me."

"You trust us," I said back firmly. "You stay here."

His eyes held my stare for the briefest instance before going back to Glenn. My eyes wandered to my boyfriend, who I became focused on looking at until a gunshot rang out.

I ducked, finding my way to the other side of the car. I felt a presence behind me and whipped around, standing up immediately and aiming my gun to Merle's head. He chuckled, appearing to lift his arms up in defence until I felt something sharp cut through the skin on my arm. The gun was knocked from my hand as a shot rang out, the bullet misfiring over Merle's shoulder.

"Didn't think you had that in ya!" He shouted, his voice full of rage as he realised I'd pulled the trigger on him. I felt something metallic press against my head and an arm around my neck. I gritted my teeth, watching as Maggie and Glenn both pointed their guns at Merle, who's arm tightened around my neck.

"Hold up. Hold up."

"Let go of her," Glenn snapped, angrier than I'd ever seen him before. "Let go of her!"

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