07| Vatos

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"I'm tempted to punch you in the face right now."

We slowly led Miguel back to the hideout where the Vatos were keeping Glenn. When we reached it, the doors opened and Rick pushed Miguel inside.

"I see my guns but they're not all in the bag." Guillermo said, eyeing our weapons.

"That's because they're not yours. I thought I mentioned that."

"Let's just shoot these fools right now, ese. All right? Unload on their asses, ese!" Felipe shouted.

"I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation." G said.

"No, I'm pretty clear." Rick replied, lowering the gun. He took out a knife and cut Miguel's hands free. "You have your man. I want mine."

"I'm gonna chop up your boy. I'm gonna feed him to my dogs. They're the evilest, nastiest man-eating bitches you ever saw." G snapped. I clenched my fists. "I picked them up from Satan at a yard sale. I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?"

"No, my hearing's fine." Rick replied. "You said come locked and loaded."

We all simultaneously cocked our guns. Rick pointed his at Guillermo.

"Okay then, we're here."

"Felipe! Felipe!" I looked behind the group to see a small old woman.

"Abuela, go back with the others now." Felipe said.

"Get that old lady out of the line of fire!" Daryl yelled.

G turned to her. "Abuela, listen to your mijo, okay? This is the not the place for you right now."

"Mr. Gilbert is having trouble breathing. He needs his asthma stuff. Carlitos didn't find it. He needs his medicine."

"Felipe, go take care of it, okay?" G instructed. "And take your grandmother with you."

"Abuela! Ven conmigo por favor."

"Who are they?" She queried.

"Por favor, ven conmigo!" Felipe said.

"Don't you take him." Abuela said, narrowing her eyes at Rick.

Rick frowned, tilting his head to the side. "Ma'am?"

"Felipe's a good boy. He has his trouble but he pulls himself together. We need him here." She said.

"Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson."

The old lady looked confused. "Then what do you want him for?"

"He's-" Rick paused, clearly thinking about his choice of words. "Helping us find a missing person. Fella named Glenn."

Her eyes lightened up. "The Asian boy? He's with Mr. Gilbert." She beckoned us over. "Come. Come, I'll show you."

The old lady took Rick's hand and started to guide him through.

"He needs his medicine." Abuela said.

We started to follow but the men stood in the way.

"Let 'em pass." G ordered.

They hesitantly moved out of the way and I walked through, glaring at them.

We followed the grandmother into what seemed to be a nursing home. There were sick, elderly patients everywhere.

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