26| Overrun

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"Home sweet home."

"Mornin' sunshine."

"Die," I shot back at Daryl, who chuckled at my response. I rubbed my hands over my tired eyes which were still trying to adjust to the bright sunlight.

"Rough night, huh?" He questioned, a smug look on his face as I gave him the harshest death stare I could manage.

"I'm never ever going hunting with you again. Ever."

It had been months since we'd left the farm. As predicted, it had been a harsh winter. I'd never experienced such freezing cold temperatures - although, then again, I was usually in a warm house rather than outside in the middle of it all.

There was no point denying how much the dynamics of the group had changed since the night the farm collapsed. Rick had revealed that the herd hadn't got Shane, he was the one that killed him. And whilst I found it understandable, a lot of the others didn't. Especially after Rick went off on one, talking about how many sacrifices he'd made for the group and how it wouldn't be a democracy anymore. Although given the opportunity to leave if they didn't agree, nobody did. Even after it was finally revealed that we were all infected. No matter what way we died, we'd end up as one of the dead unless we had something put through our brain.

I didn't believe in it being the thing that was mostly troubling everybody through. In fact, I think a few people already knew it before the words slipped out of Rick's mouth. Of course the idea scared everybody, it still scared even me and I'd had more time to get used to it. After explaining that to a slightly annoyed Glenn, he began to become less hostile towards Rick and closer to me again. From then on, we promised no more secrets.

During those months though, we'd had nowhere to go. Nowhere to settle. We were hopping from place to place, constantly under threat from walkers getting in to the camps. Along with this, our food supply had been limited, which was of course making everybody a little snappy. It also didn't fair well with the lack of sleep.

But finally, after months of struggling, Glenn, Maggie and I managed to locate a lot of food supplies on a run. Last night, we'd all sat around the campfire, telling happy stories whilst tucking in to the best sort-of-meal we'd had in ages. The atmosphere had been great, putting everybody, even Daryl, in a really good mood, which had apparently carried on through to the morning too.

"Hey," Glenn smiled, his arms wrapping gently around my waist as he came up behind me.

"I'll leave you to it," Daryl said, raising his eyebrows quickly before leaving, me still glaring after him.

"What happened last night?" Glenn questioned, as I shifted so I could face him. "You got back really late, I was worried."

I smiled softly at him, my heart warming by how much he cared. My eyes then wandered to my right, where I could see Rick and Daryl deep in conversation. Shaking my head, I recalled last nights awful events. "Well, Daryl almost killed me."

Glenn looked taken aback, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and something that also looked like mild amusement. "How? You only went hunting."

"It got dark," I started, already feeling embarrassed by what happened. "We'd separated and gone opposite sides of a stream. I was too busy watching for a sign of anything that I slipped. My foot got tangled up in god knows what, and obviously it had to attract a damn geek's attention. So I was completely defenceless and Mr Smartass over there thought that shooting it from the other side of the stream would be a good idea."

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