20| Alive

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"Because I love you."

It was later in the evening and we were all situated in the farmhouse. Patricia, Carol and Olivia were in the kitchen, preparing the food. I was on drinks duty, but my mind was elsewhere.

Rick and Glenn still weren't back with Hershel, despite how long it had been. I knew I couldn't be the only one feeling worried.

I started to bring out drinks for everyone, watching as Andrea and Shane headed inside as I began placing drinks down.

"They should be back by now," Andrea stated as she took a seat at the table. I placed a glass down by her and one by Shane, resisting the temptation to purposely spill it down him.

"Yeah," Shane said, taking a seat at the head of the table. "They just got holed up somewhere. We'll head out first thing in the morning."

Patricia came out, placing some food on the table. Dale smiled. "Thank you."

I headed back into the kitchen with her, smiling at Olivia who was stood with a basket of bread in her hands. "You ready?"

She smiled back. "As I'll ever be."

The two of us stepped into the other room, Olivia placing the bread down on the table whilst I cleared my throat. "Um guys, this is Olivia who I was telling you about. She's staying tonight and then we're going to head back out to find her group tomorrow."

Olivia said her hello's and the others greeted her before she headed back to the kitchen.

"All of you," I whispered. "Play nice. Okay?"

I was met with nods and headed back to the kitchen to help distribute the rest of the food.

"Carl, I want you to keep your head up, okay?" Shane said to the younger boy, who was staring down at the table. "Your old man, he's the toughest son of a-"

Patricia hit his arm, interjecting. "No cussing in the house."

He looked up. "Sorry."

"Lori, dinner," Carol shouted up the stairs.

"She's not in there," Maggie said.

"Where is she?" I frowned, beginning to feel even more nervous. If Lori was missing then that was really concerning, especially because of her pregnancy.

Shane set his fork down. "Carl, when's the last time you saw your mom?"

"This afternoon."

"She was worried about Rick," Andrea spoke up. "Asked me to look in on Carl."

Dale turned to her, startled. "She went after them?"

"She didn't say that," Andrea dismissed, but it didn't ease my nerves.

"Nobody panic," Shane said, setting his napkin down. "Gonna be around here somewhere."


"She's not in the barns," Shane said a while later. We'd all been out searching the farm for her. T-Dog and I had been looking around the yard with flashlights but had no luck.

"We checked the yards," T-Dog added.

Carl stared at all of us with wide, worried eyes. "Well, where is she?"

Carol came running over from the other side of camp, stopping beside us. "She asked Daryl to go into town. Must've gone herself."

"You're kidding me," I muttered. I could understand Daryl not wanting to be the one to go, but he knew she was pregnant. If he had an inclination that she was going to go alone he should have at least told someone.

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