37| Lifeline

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"You're not the only one in the inner circle dumbass."

"Blaire, I need to talk to you," Rick stated as soon as I stepped out of the cell block. I blinked quickly, trying to process his words – I hadn't even been awake for long and he was already making my life difficult.

"Okay," I dragged out slowly, frowning at him as he silently began to head towards a quieter space. I followed him, noticing him glancing around quickly before coming to a stop. "What's up?"

"When I spoke with the governor, he made me an offer," he began with a heavy sigh.

A feeling of dread overcame me, and I began to prepare for the worst. "What kind of offer?"

Rick shook his head, as if the words were too difficult to say out loud. "If we give him Michonne, Woodbury will stand down."

I stared at him for a moment, wondering if he was actually considering this. Of course, we didn't know Michonne, but it was common decency. We couldn't just hand her over, that would be like sentencing her to death. Plus, she'd been a great help to us. I even thought she was beginning to fit into the group, become one of our own.

I noticed the look of guilt on his face, and shook my head firmly. "Please tell me you're not considering this," I said, trying to meet his eyes but he'd looked away, confirming my thoughts. "Dammit Rick–"

"I already spoke to Merle," he interjected, cutting me off. "We're gonna make it quiet–"

"Are you serious?" I snapped back, causing him to put a finger to his lips, begging me to be quieter. "Rick, you can't just do this," I lowered my voice into a harsh whisper. "We don't do things like this."

"We have no other option," he responded, but I shook my head in disagreement, turning away for a moment to compose myself.

"There's always another option," I defended, glancing behind me again, suddenly feeling paranoid that someone was listening. "Look, we don't even know if he'll keep up his end of the bargain. I've dealt with assholes like this, and so have you. There's no way in hell I'm letting you do this–"

"All due respect Blaire–"

"No," I bit back firmly, not allowing my opinion to be dismissed like that. "If this was me, I'd want someone fighting my corner. So I'm gonna fight for Michonne, because this–" I paused, eyeing him with disgust. "This is just wrong."

"Blaire–" he started to interject again, but I cut him off.

"Who else knows?" Rick's eyes diverted down to the floor, but he remained silent. I felt myself becoming more and more agitated, and I began to raise my voice again. "Who the hell else knows?!"

"Merle, Daryl and Hershel." Upon hearing both Daryl and Hershel's names I shook my head, gritting my teeth in anger. I was beginning to leave and go find them until Rick tugged me back, obviously anticipating my reaction. "Blaire, don't. Please, we have to keep it quiet."

"Right," I said, pulling away from his grip. "We have to keep this quiet, why? Oh, because other people aren't gonna agree. Because this is cowardly and disgusting and–"

"You think I want to do this?"

"Then don't," I snapped, unable to even look at him, to what he'd turned into. "There's always another way, Rick."

"Then what do you suggest because I'm out of damn options?!"

I swallowed thickly, my eyes finally searching Rick's. "I don't–" I paused, exhaling heavily. "I'm prepared to take my chances, to fight."

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