33| Family

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"You belong with us."

My feet tangled with each other, causing me to tumble to the ground beside Glenn. He pressed his back against a cabinet, holding his side, a great deal of pain on his face.

"Rick how did you find us?" Maggie questioned as I placed my hand on Glenn's cheek, my eyes softening.

"How bad are you hurt?" I asked gently, as the conversation from the others faded into the background.

"I'll be alright."

"Where's that woman?" Maggie questioned, and I thought back to the stranger I'd seen with the group as we made our escape. I glanced around, noticing she was missing.

"She was right behind us," Olivia muttered in annoyance, storming over to the other side of the room.

"Maybe she was spotted," Rick suggested.

"Want me to go look for her?"

"No," Rick dismissed. "We gotta get them out of here. She's on her own."

"Daryl," I spoke up, catching his attention. "This was Merle."

"It was," Glenn added. "He did this."

"You saw him?" Daryl asked, hope filling his eyes as he eagerly stepped forwards.

"Face to face," I replied, pointing to my injuries. "Did this."

"Threw a walker at me," Glenn chimed in. "He was gonna execute us."

"So my brother's this governor?" Daryl looked confused, but the three of us shook our heads.

"No, it's somebody else. Your brother's his lieutenant or something," Maggie said.

"Does he know I'm still with you?"

"He does now," Glenn muttered, his voice strained. "Rick, I'm sorry. We told him where the prison was. We couldn't hold out."

"Don't. No need to apologise," Rick said sincerely, before heading over to the window and taking a look outside.

"They're gonna be looking for us. We have to get back."

"Can you walk?" Rick questioned Glenn. "We got a car a few miles out."

"I'm good." I knew that was a lie.

"All right," Rick, Maggie and I helped pull Glenn up.

"Hey, if Merle's around, I need to see him," Daryl said.

"Not now," Rick shut down. "We're in hostile territory."

"He's my brother. I ain't-"

"Look what he did," Rick cut off, lowering his voice. Daryl glanced over at Glenn and I briefly.

"Look, we gotta- we gotta get out of here now."

"Maybe I can talk to him," Daryl rushed out, causing me to scoff. "Maybe I can work something out."

"No, no, no. You're not thinking straight," Rick said, his voice lowering into a whisper, muttering words which I couldn't hear for a while. "I need you. Are you with me?"




The sound was deafening, all around us. Rick's shouts filled the air as we made our way through the open space and into a corner.

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