22| Infected

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"I tried to be a damn hero again."

I ran and I didn't look back.

Somewhere along the way I managed to get caught on something, tearing up my clothes even more. I pressed my hand against the wound on my abdomen, feeling my fingers already being coated by the sticky blood. I'd completely forgotten about it at first, everything becoming numb, but now it had started to ache, causing me pain as I ran.

My head was spinning and I had no clue where I was. I paused, shrugging off my jacket and tying it tightly around my waist, trying to stem the blood flow. Although, I knew it wouldn't be much use.

After somewhat getting my bearings, I continued to push through, beginning to see the road between all of the trees. I stumbled slightly, eventually reaching the open space. To my left, I could see the car and Daryl's bike and I rushed towards it, tripping at the last moment, weakly falling on my hands and knees.

I crawled towards the car, lifting up the boot and pulling myself up, yelling in pain as I did so. I looked through the trunk, trying to find any bandages in the medical kit.

"Blaire!" Two voices echoed in the distance. I turned my head, regretting it as soon as everything began to spin.

Daryl and Olivia rushed towards me, panic and worry stricken faces, both saying things I couldn't comprehend. Olivia started frantically rifling through the trunk whilst Daryl started asking me questions, only to get snapped at by Olivia.

"Did you- did you find them?" I asked as she lifted up my shirt, wrapping a bandage around my stomach.

"That's not important right now," she replied back, tightening it more as the blood continued to seep through. I gritted my teeth, the pain becoming borderline unbearable. "Daryl, go back quickly and get the others ready to help."

He nodded at Olivia's request and glanced back at me once more before getting on his bike, the sound of the engine becoming more distant the further away he got.

"That will have to do for now," she said, shutting the medical kit and closing the trunk, moving to open the car door. "Keep applying pressure, okay? You're gonna be fine."

Olivia helped lift me into the back seats. I winced at the pain as I had to bend down, tears springing to my eyes.

The journey back was a complete blur. My whole body was numb and cold and it felt like I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Once we pulled up at the farm, the majority of the group were waiting. I let my eyes close shut, hearing the car door open and somebody lift my body up. I wrapped my arms around the person's neck, as they held me tightly, rushing somewhere.

"Glenn," I mumbled, suddenly feeling very drowsy. "Glenn." My eyes felt heavy and I struggled to keep them open. I was lay down on something, and my eyelids fluttered open slightly, seeing the blurred faces of Hershel, Maggie, Rick and Glenn standing around me.

I tried to smile at them reassuringly, but darkness engulfed me instead.


Every fibre of my body burned with an overwhelming aching sensation. Groaning, I opened my eyelids, placing my hands down on the bed to prop myself up.

"Blaire," someone said, grabbing my attention. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I turned to see Glenn standing up from a chair in the corner of the room.

"Glenn," I breathed out, pulling myself up quicker. He stopped by the side of the bed, wrapping me in a gentle hug.

"Blaire, I was so worried," he said as he pulled away, moving the chair closer to the side of the bed. I glanced down at my stomach; fresh bandages lay wrapped over it, only small odd dots of dried blood staining the material. Hershel must have stitched me up.

Abnormality || Glenn Rhee [1]Where stories live. Discover now