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"They're lucky to have found each other."

The truck came to an abrupt stop. Rick turned the keys, killing the engine and leaving us in an empty silence.

Not a word was said as we began to pile out of the truck one by one. Not a word, until Rick began addressing someone from the Woodbury group. I glanced at Daryl, sighing heavily as his eyes met mine, his expression seeming to radiate similar thoughts to me.

Rick had decided to bring back the rest of Woodbury to live at the prison with us. I guessed it was a smart move, considering the Governor was still out there. Not that he posed much of a threat, due to him being army-less and alone.

Part of me though, was still slightly irritated that we hadn't found the Governor and finished him off. I knew he was still out there, surviving, and it made me sick to my stomach.

I wasn't totally against Rick's idea, nor was I totally for it. I guess it would have been wrong to leave them leaderless, but I was sure someone else would have stepped up. We could have made a truce with them instead, got them on our side. But now, we were landed with a dozen more people. So was this place really home anymore?

"Blaire," my mother spoke up, stopping me in my tracks. I nodded at Daryl to go ahead as I turned my attention towards her, already dreading whatever she had to say. She seemed to wait until he was out of earshot before finally speaking. "Everything that happened before this, I would like to put it behind us."

Stubbornly, I desperately wanted to tell her no. I had a talent of holding grudges, and I could hold this one for a lot longer. But something told me I'd regret it if I didn't put it behind us. Most of all, we had more important things to focus on now. I had no choice but to agree.

"This doesn't mean that we can go back to playing happy families again," I told her firmly, to which she simply nodded. "Things are different now, they've changed, and so have I."

"I know, Blaire," she said softly, a small smile on her face as her eyes briefly flickered past me. "Now, go do what you have to do."

Slightly confused, but satisfied, I nodded, slowly turning my back to her again as I looked into the distance, spotting Glenn stood a little away, watching us both with an unreadable expression. That must have been who my mom had been looking at.

A smile blossomed on my face as I made my way up to him, more of a skip to my step. Glenn wrapped his arms around me straight away, pulling me closer to him and pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "Everything okay?"

I lifted my head up, my eyes flickering up to meet his. He was watching me with concern written in his gentle gaze. And whilst staring into his soft, warm eyes, the comforting colour of mahogany wood and home, I began to realise something.

"Yeah," I mused, breathing out as I felt myself melt into his gaze. "Everything's okay."

And everything was fine. It was fine because I realised that this place, this prison, it wasn't quite my home – but Glenn was. My home was wherever he was.


"And this is Blaire Lewis." I heard Rick say, making me come to a complete halt as I attempted to pass by. I glanced to my left to see him stood with a small group of people, waving me over.

Hesitantly, I started to approach the group, feeling very uncomfortable as they watched me walk over. "Uh, hi," I greeted, coming to a stop beside Rick, unsure as to why I was there.

Abnormality || Glenn Rhee [1]Where stories live. Discover now