06| Guns

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"Not so cocky now, are you?"

"You got some balls for a Chinaman." Daryl commented as he loaded his crossbow.

"I'm Korean."


"Hey." I grabbed Glenn's arm. "Good luck."

He smiled. "Thanks"

Glenn, who wasn't doing a good job at hiding his nerves, headed down the street whilst Daryl and I hid and waited.

I noticed someone starting to head down the alley and caught Daryl's attention, motioning to the person.

Daryl jumped out from behind the trashcan and pointed the crossbow at them.

"Whoa, don't shoot me!" The guy held his hands up in a surrender position. "What do you want?"

"I'm looking for my brother." Daryl said. "He's hurt real bad. You seen him?"


"Shut up! You're gonna bring the geeks down on us." Daryl hissed. "Answer me." He commanded. "Answer me!"

"Ayúdame! Ayúdame! Ayúdame!"

"Shut up!"

"Help! Help!"

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."

Two other men approached the alley and I quickly hid further back in the shadows.

They ran down the alley and they seemed to have their sights set on Daryl.

I cursed, coming out of my hiding place and hitting one of them on the head with the butt of the gun.


I narrowly dodged a hit but stumbled back against someone.


I spun around, seeing Glenn looking insanely confused.

"That's it. That's the bag, Vato. Take it! Take it!" One of the men exclaimed.

I stood in front of Glenn as the guy started to run towards us to grab the bag of guns.

"Shit!" I pushed Glenn back but he paused. I looked behind him to see that walkers were blocking the exit.

"For christs-"

I felt a sharp blow on my head and stumbled to the ground.

I heard a yell of pain and looked up to see an arrow sticking out of one of the guy's backside.

"Get off me! Get off me!" I heard Glenn yell.

I scrambled up to fight back but they were already dragging Glenn out the gate.

"Blaire! B! Daryl! Daryl!" My best friend screamed as a car pulled up.

"Glenn! Glenn!"


They pushed Glenn into the back just as I reached the gate, my fingers hooking around the metal.


"Come back here, you sumbitches!" Daryl yelled, running over.

I started to slip through the gate but came face to face with a walker.


Daryl grabbed me and pulled me back but I tried to fight against him.

Abnormality || Glenn Rhee [1]Where stories live. Discover now