42 | Containment

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"If people die, they become a threat."

I awoke to the sounds of a camera whirring.

I frowned slightly as I cuddled up closer to the sheets, eventually peeling my eyes open to see a sheepish looking Glenn with a polaroid camera in his hands. "Sorry."

"What the hell?" I mumbled, my eyes struggling to adjust to the bright light streaming through the window. I started to sit up, noticing that Glenn had something else in his hands. "What's that?"

He moved away from me and laughed, turning it around so I could take a look. My eyes widened at the sight of the picture of me he'd taken. I lunged forwards to grab it, but he quickly moved back so it was out of my reach. "Don't even think about it."

"Glenn, get rid of it," I grumbled, rubbing my hands over my sleepy eyes. I was way too tired for this, and I also had a pounding headache.

He held it out in front of him, smiling down at it softly. "Yeah. Not a chance. It's mine."

"Fine," I said, reaching over to pick up the camera. I held it up, and Glenn pulled his cheesiest grin as I clicked the button with a laugh. The two of us waited as the camera whirred, printing out the small picture. I snatched it first, holding it close to me and laughing. "Cute."

I turned it around so Glenn could see, and he shook his head, letting out an awkward laugh. "We even now?"

"I suppose," I mumbled, placing it in the top pocket of my shirt as I began to get dressed.

As I started to pull my jeans on, there was a loud knock on the door, and I shared a look with Glenn, expecting it to be Maggie to come and switch over guard duty.

"Is it safe to come in?!" She called out. I closed my eyes momentarily, feeling slightly embarrassed, despite the fact I could hear Maggie laughing to herself outside.

I quickly fastened the button on my jeans, craning my neck to shout back out to her. "Yeah, we're good."

The door creaked open and she stepped inside, watching at us both with a grin. "Have fun?"

"A great time," I responded, unable to keep a straight face due to the smirk playing on her lips. "Thanks for asking."

Glenn and I left Maggie in the guard tower, promising to bring her some breakfast as she hadn't had any yet. The courtyard was oddly quiet, considering it wasn't that early in the morning. Despite the absence of people, there was still a heaviness in the air, or perhaps it was just a heavy feeling within me, after the loss of Zach. 

Daryl went to break the news to Beth last night whilst Hershel was stitching up my arm. I'd wanted to go with him, I'd felt a responsibility after I was the one who fired the final bullet, but Glenn insisted I went to Hershel straight away. I hadn't seen neither Daryl or Beth since then, but I guessed it had gone as I expected.

Whilst getting stitched up, Hershel had assured me that the wound hadn't been infected, but that I had lost a fair amount of blood so to take it easy, especially if I wasn't feeling quite right. I didn't enjoy "taking it easy", but promised Glenn, Hershel and Rick that I would, even if I didn't exactly mean it.

"Do you think–" Glenn cut off, both of us pausing at the sudden sound of gunshots coming from inside the cell blocks.

Without another word, Glenn and I took off towards the prison, guns and knives at the ready. Racing down from the other end of the courtyard was Rick, Daryl and Sasha, panic-stricken looks on their faces.

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