46 | Way

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"Bad guy, right?"

Whilst following the tracks, we passed three more signs for Terminus; leaving a message scrawled in, whatever we could use, for Glenn over each one.

And if anyone else from the prison were to stumble across the messages, I was sure that they would follow too.

We hadn't come across many walkers. In fact, I hadn't seen one for almost half of the day. I hoped that our luck wasn't going to run out anytime soon as it was helpful for us not to use so much energy. The burning heat from the sun on our skin, combined with the low amounts of water, was affecting us all in many ways. Most of all, we were all completely exhausted from today's work.

"Okay, we need to stop," Olivia stated later on. "We need to rest."

She was right. Night had fallen now. And although things seemed quiet and peaceful at this time, there was a feeling of something heavy lingering in the air tonight, causing a horrible, anxious feeling to tighten in my chest.

Jade paused a few steps ahead of me, brushing away the strands of hair in her face. "We're close," she said, turning to address me. "It must only be about another day now. If we rest tonight, we'll make it tomorrow."

I swallowed thickly, nodding my head as I came to a decision. We'd pushed on hard all day, and there had to be a cut off point. As impatient as I'm sure we all were to reach Terminus, we couldn't arrive in the state we were at now – tired, weak, starving. Who knew what kind of place it would be; whether there would even be survivors anymore, or whether the community had been overrun. We needed to approach with caution.

"All right," I agreed. "We'll set up camp tonight. Get going first thing in the morning."

"Sounds like a plan," Olivia spoke with a grateful smile, soon rising up onto her toes, likely to scout the area for somewhere to rest up. "Might have to head off the trail," she said after a few moments, then turning to Jade. "You still got those matches?"

Jade patted her backpack in response. "Got 'em."

"Okay, we can look for wood for a fire on the way," I said, turning to face Liv. "Got your flashlight? Think mine ran out last night."

Liv nodded along, swiftly sliding her backpack from her shoulders. She hoisted it up without too much of a struggle, lifting her knee to keep it steady as she rifled through the contents of her bag, eventually pulling out a small torch.

We headed left from the tracks, me leading the way with the flashlight as a guide, keeping my eyes peeled whilst we scouted the surrounding area for any sign of life – or the dead. I treaded carefully and quietly, keeping myself on high alert.

I lifted the flashlight, which, to be honest, wasn't providing that much help, through a small gap between a few overgrown trees and bushes, illuminating a clear, yet private space which looked ideal for setting up camp.

Jade crossed in front of me, pushing through the branches with a small degree of caution, before stepping into the open space. Liv and I followed, disturbing the leaves in the process, allowing the flashlight to guide us through safely.

"Looks like a good spot," Jade announced as she began to slide her backpack from her shoulder, slinging it to the ground.

Olivia's brown eyes darted between Jade and I for a few moment, and she let out a groan of annoyance. "We didn't get any wood."

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