24| Suspicion

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"I'm a monster."

The floorboards creaking beneath someone's feet caught my attention, but I continued to stare at the pale, dull, white wall in front of me. The thoughts swimming around my head were driving me insane but I didn't want to face anybody. After everything that had happened, along with Dale's funeral earlier, I just couldn't face anyone.

"Why couldn't you tell me?"

Emotion caught thickly in my throat and I caught my breath, trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. Glenn's footsteps could be heard again as he shifted closer to me. I felt the bed dip down and I let out a defeated sigh. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"It's not."


I shook my head vigorously, cutting him off. "I'm a killer Glenn," I stated, finally turning my head to face him. "I've killed people."

"You didn't have a choice," he said, his warm hand resting on top of mine. "No one's going to blame you for that."

"How can you love me after-" I cut off, shaking my head again. "After I-"

"It's okay," he assured, his voice gentle as he squeezed my hand tighter. "It's okay."

"I was going to do it. When Dale- when he-" A cry caught in my throat and I paused, turning away from him and taking a shaky breath. "I would have done it, just to make it all stop."

"I would have too."

I whipped my head around to face him again and stood up, feeling a painful pull at my stitches. I ignored it, shaking my head at him. "But you wouldn't have Glenn, would you?! You wouldn't do it, you wouldn't be able do it. Because you're a decent guy - you're a good guy!"

"Blaire, it's okay-"

"It's not! It's not okay!" The two of us fell silent again and I looked away, slowly placing my head in my hands. "What have I become?" I whispered, my eyes glazing over with tears as I looked over at Glenn's completely crushed face. "I'm a monster."

He stood up slowly, moving closer to me, his hands softly cupping my face. My eyes flickered up, meeting his soft brown ones, full of hurt and compassion. "You're not a monster."

He moved to wrap his arms tightly around me and I froze for a moment before leaning closer to him and burying my head in his chest, tears spilling down my cheeks and onto his shirt. "Dale was right," I mumbled, holding Glenn tightly, in fear of letting him go. "We're all broken."


"Gone?" I shouted after Rick that evening, crossing my arms over my chest. I was having a hard time comprehending exactly what he was trying to say. "How the hell can he just be gone?"

"The cuffs are still hooked," He stated as I stepped inside the shed where Randall was supposed to be. "He must' slipped 'em."

"Is that possible?" Carl asked, taking a look around.

"It is if you've got nothing to lose."

"This is ridiculous," I commented, glancing over at Rick again. "There's no way he could have got out."

"The door was secured from the outside," Hershel said, looking over at me as he nodded his head in agreement with my statement. I moved over to the door, looking at where Hershel's finger was pointing. He was right, there was only a lock on the outside.

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