03| Reunite

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"Nobody gets left behind."

"Hey, what's happening, man!" Merle yelled.

Nobody replied.

"Hey, T-Dog, try that CB." Morales instructed.

"Hey, come on. Talk to me, y'all!"

"Base camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me? Can anybody out there hear me?"

"There." Morales pointed at the street and I looked over, spotting Glenn and Rick.

Thunder rumbled in the distance and I prayed it wouldn't rain and screw everything up.

"That asshole is out on the street with the handcuff keys?" Merle asked in disbelief.

T-Dog slowly rose his hand, showing  the key.

I couldn't help but laugh.

I felt a drop of water on my skin and looked up to the sky.

"Oh man. It's just a cloudburst. We get 'em all the time. It'll pass real quick." Morales reassured.

I sighed, looking back at Glenn and Rick.

"Come on. Please make it out alive." I mumbled. "Please."

The rain started to pour down and I noticed Rick and Glenn starting to pick up the pace.

And not long after, they were running. And the walkers were following.

"Oh my god" I gasped.

"Come on, come on, come on." Morales mumbled.

I watched as they climbed over the fence and headed to a truck.

"They're leaving us." Andrea said as we watched them reverse out of the parking lot.

"What?" Merle asked. "What?"

"Where are they going? Where are they going?" Morales started to panic.

"No no, come back!" Andrea exclaimed.

"Oh my god." I ran a shaking hand through my hair. "Okay, I'm sure they're coming back. They wouldn't have gone without us, right?"

There's no way they would leave.

Glenn and I made a promise.

Nobody gets left behind.


After receiving a message from Glenn to meet at the roll-up doors, we all grabbed the weapons we had and ran to the door.

"Hey, you can't leave me here" Merle yelled. "I'm not fooling, man! Morales! Hey, man! Don't do this!"

"Come on!" Andrea called out to Morales and I.

I looked back at Merle, hesitating. Nobody gets left behind. But after all the shit he did? The constant comments he's said to us? Christ the amount of times he's almost killed us. He's not worth it. He's not worth risking my life for.

I followed the others and headed down the stairs, not looking back.

I made my way to the loading dock, where the girls were waiting, shortly followed by Morales.

Andrea grabbed the chains.

"Okay. Okay. I got it."

"Shh." Morales whispered.

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