16| Secrets

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"I don't kiss and tell."

"You alright?"

Maggie turned to face me, finally snapping out of her despondent state. "I'm fine."

"I saw the look on your face back at the well. Have you never seen one killed up close before?" I asked, tying the horse reins around a post. If I was being honest, I preferred walking.

Maggie didn't reply. "I guess it's kind of a shock. You know, being out on the road, we've seen a lot. Guess we've gotten a little numb to it."

A little numb to killing. Even if walkers weren't human.

"I guess so."

I followed Maggie to the pharmacy doors, where a cardboard sign was sat in the window that read: Take what you need and God bless you.

I glanced behind me, double checking there wasn't some horde of walkers following us that we'd happened to miss. I didn't want a repeat of what happened in Atlanta.

The bell on the door chimed, causing me to turn my attention back to Maggie, who was walking inside. The pharmacy was almost empty, shelves looking like they'd been ransacked. Just like pretty much every place I'd been to since the outbreak.

"I'll go see what antibiotics are left," Maggie said, turning to face me. "What else is on the list?"

My eyes widened as I remembered the lists in my back pocket; one of them being Lori's 'secret' list.

"Why don't you get started?" I suggested, my hand itching to reach Lori's list.

"What about you?"

"Um, I'm gonna look around, see what's worth grabbing," I shrugged. "Just some general stuff."

Maggie nodded, heading towards the back of the store. I picked up a blue basket in one hand and started to look through the shelves, chucking things in without really bothering to look. I glanced back, noticing Maggie engrossed in finding things. I stopped by the feminine hygiene section, pulling Lori's crumpled list out and opening it.

Pregnancy tests.

"Holy shit," I whispered, the sound of my own voice starling me. I spotted the tests on the shelf and quietly slid it into my basket. Quickly, I grabbed a couple of other things from the shelves, hoping they would bury the pregnancy test and it wouldn't arise any questions from Maggie.

"What have you got?"

My heart jumped as I picked up another box, unaware of what it actually was. I turned to face Maggie, taking a deep breath. "Jesus Christ please don't do that," I sighed, fiddling with the box in my hand. "And you know, like I said," my eyes wandered down to it and I suddenly realised the brand name. I almost choked, feeling my face burning in embarrassment. "Um...general stuff."

Maggie glanced at the box in amusement. "Condoms?"

I shrugged, brushing it off with a nervous laugh as I turned back to the shelves to hide my blushing face. "Yeah, I mean can't be too careful. Never know who I'll meet."

"What about Glenn?"

I swivelled my head around to face Maggie again. I raised my eyebrows. "Glenn? What about Glenn?" Our eyes met briefly before I shifted my gaze, casually putting a couple more things in my basket.

"I just thought-" she cut herself off. "Well, you two are pretty close."

I bit back a laugh. "We aren't dating."

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