39| Bloodbath

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"Aren't you going to tell them to put the guns away?"


"Blaire," she replied calmly, her voice steady, not wavering with any kind of emotion. My heart seemed to come to a sharp stop, my jaw dropping slightly, unable to even process what was unfolding right before my eyes. "It is you."

All the things I wanted to say flooded through my mind at once, the words burning on my tongue. But as I parted my lips to speak, nothing happened. All I could do was stand there and stare.

Every single person in the group had their gun still firmly pointed towards my mom, who was watching Rick with narrowed eyes, seeming to become increasingly more irritated. "Aren't you going to tell them to put the guns away?" She snapped sharply, shooting me an all too familiar harsh stare.

Finally snapping out of the state I was in, I shifted my weight uncomfortably, my eyes meeting hers. "No," I responded firmly, holding my gaze as I lifted my chin up. She seemed surprised by my reply, raising her eyebrow in an obvious effort to question the fact that I would even dare challenge her like that.

"Excuse me?" The words tumbled from her mouth almost instantly, venom tainting them.

"I said no," I repeated, frowning at her as realisation dawned on me as soon as the words left my mouth. "You were with them," I finally said, allowing a silence to lapse between us.

I took the opportunity to glance over her appearance. She was fairly clean, only a few specs of dirt littering her clothes and face. Her dark eyes seemed to hide something behind them, and there were notably more wrinkles covering her skin. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, and she was dressed fairly well – black jeans and a fitted beige shirt. Most of all, she appeared to be supplied with good weapons, some better than what we'd managed to get our hands on.

Of course I was relieved that she was here, alive and well, she's my mother. But it was evident that she'd been with the group we'd started war on. This wasn't going to be easy; not for me, not for the rest of the group. "You were shooting at us."

"I'm your mother," she snapped back, the sudden outburst causing me to flinch slightly. I found myself at a loss for words again, unsure on what to say.

I hated this whole situation.

Instead, Rick stepped forwards, standing beside me, the gun now lowered back down to his side. His head was, however, still held high, his posture showing her not to even consider messing with him. "Can we trust you?" My mother didn't reply, she just continued to stare at me, her eyes still holding a glare. "Can we trust you?" He ground out again, his voice a lot harsher. But she didn't even flinch.

"Man, we don't have time for this," Daryl cut in impatiently, earning a wide-eyed look from Olivia, who then proceeded to nudge his arm.

"Daryl!" She hissed quietly as I glanced back at the two of them, giving Daryl a small nod.

"He's right. We don't have time for this," I turned back to my mom, my jaw clenching as I noticed her watching everybody carefully, a judgemental look on her face. "Start talking," I commanded firmly, our eyes meeting once more. "Now."


My mother's story did not quite sit well with everyone, including me.

The night Glenn, Maggie and I were captured and made our escape, it turns out I hadn't been hallucinating– I had in fact seen her. And she'd seen me too– whilst apparently trying to take out Daryl. This obviously did not go down well with him, and he spent most of the time staring at her with a look that could kill.

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