49 | Knives

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"Fight to the fence!"

"Can't see shit through here," I stated, taking a step back from the small crack in the wall. I turned back to the others, who were still gathered round in a circle, after Abraham, the man in the military uniform, had told us the story of how they had arrived here.

"We need weapons," Rick spoke up, his eyes sweeping around the group. "We'll use whatever materials have to make them."

Olivia caught my eye, raising her eyebrows. Nodding, I began to undo the top button of my shirt, reaching through to pull out the small, but valuable, knife that I'd had clipped onto my bra. I let out a cough to grab the others' attention, holding it up in the air with a small, triumphant smile. "Think this might help?"

Rick's eyebrows drew together. "How'd you manage that?"

"Planned in advance," I replied, catching Olivia's eye. "Had a bad feeling. It was a good job I trusted my instincts," I said. "Anyway, dude was too polite to go near my boobs when he was patting me down."

Abraham looked at me, a wide grin growing on his lips. "Hell yeah, girl. Glenn said you were a survivor."

I found my lips pulling at his words, turning my head to cast a glance over at my boyfriend, who was looking down at me with a small smile. I brushed my hand against Glenn's, turning my attention back to Rick, who'd stepped into the middle of the small circle we'd unintentionally made.

"All right," he began. "Everyone check your pockets, see if you got anything else on you that could be useful."

Everyone began to comply, their hands falling to their trouser and jacket pockets. Only then did I remember what I'd kept in mine. "Hey," I started, stepping in front of Glenn to grab his attention. "I've got something for you."

He frowned, looking at me slightly unsurely. "For me?" I reached into my pocket, my fingers wrapping around the cool metal of the pocket watch. I smiled as I brought it out, watching as Glenn's eyes lit up. "How'd you get this?" He questioned, looking at it in surprise as he took it into his hands.

"That dick Alex had it," I replied, casting my mind back to the whole scenario. "Almost shot him for it," I grinned. "Almost."

"Blaire," I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around to meet my mother.

"Hey," I greeted, swallowing thickly. "How are you doing?"

I don't know what I expected, but I definitely didn't expect her to pull me into a hug, no words even being spoken. I stiffened for a moment, still in surprise, eventually giving in and wrapping my arms around her.

After a few moments, she pulled away, running her hand through my hair, which, by this point, was practically falling out of my ponytail. I really needed to get it cut.

"He's a good one, your Glenn," she told me quietly. "Might not have made it without him."

I bit my lip, unable to fight the huge smile that was forming on my face. "I know he is."

"Keep hold of him," she said, clasping her hand on my shoulder briefly, before giving Glenn a nod, and then heading back over to the others.

Glenn had a smug look on his face, and I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what he was happy about. "I've got your mother's approval."

"It seems so," I teased, as he reached for my hand, pulling me closer towards him.

Despite the fact we were in a pretty damn shitty situation right now, being reunited with Glenn somewhat made everything feel not so disastrous.

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