29| Lost

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"They didn't make it."

My eyes opened lazily to be met with Glenn's peacefully sleeping face. His eyelids were closed against the dimly lit dawn, all the muscles in his face relaxed. His chest was rising and falling with short breaths as I gazed at him, smiling to myself.

"Glenn! Blaire!"

Jolting upright, my eyes fluttered around wildly as Glenn began muttering sleepy words of confusion under his breath.

"Glenn! Blaire!"

I groaned, rubbing the palms of my hands over my eyes. I looked up again, watching Glenn putting one leg through his pants and then the other, heading to the side of the watch tower.

"Hey!" I heard him call out awkwardly. "What's up guys?!" 

"You comin'?" Daryl yelled, making me cringe.

"What?" Glenn shouted back, beginning to buckle his belt.

"You comin'?" Daryl repeated. "Come on, we could use a hand!"

"Yeah, we'll be right down!"

I sighed as Glenn turned back around to face me, smiling softly. "Do we have to go," I whined, pulling the sheets up closer over my body. "It's comfy here."

Glenn walked over, a small chuckle escaping between his lips. "B, come on."

I looked up at his chocolate coloured eyes, giving in with a groan. "Fine. But do you know where my shirt is?"


"You want them living in a cell next to you?" Rick asked, focusing his question on T-Dog. The prisoners, Axel and Oscar had confronted the others about joining the group just before Glenn and I arrived. "They'll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons, you want to go back to sleeping with one eye open?"

"I never stopped," he replied, folding his arms. "Bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves."

"I don't know," Glenn started. "Axel seems a little unstable."

"After all we've been through?" Carol questioned. "We fought so hard for all this, what if they decide to take it?"

"It's just been us for so long..." Maggie trailed off. "They're strangers. I don't- it feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around."

"You brought us in," T-Dog countered, also turning to Olivia who he'd become close friends with recently, but seemed a bit uncomfortable to be stood next to considering what we both found out yesterday. "We all took Olivia in."

"Yeah," she spoke up. "I came to you guys on my own. I could have been anybody." Her eyes shifted to mine for a moment but I looked away quickly, biting my tongue.

"Yeah, but you turned up injured," Maggie said, then looking at Rick. "And you turned up with a shot boy in your arms, didn't give us a choice."

"They can't even kill walkers," Glenn pointed out.

"They're convicts, bottom line," Carol added.

"Those two might actually have less blood on their hands than we do," T-Dog stated, giving me something to think more about. I wasn't all for bringing those people in, agreeing with Carol's statement about them being criminals. I mean, I worked to bring those kinds of people in, it was against everything I'd stood for. But this was the new world now, things were different. It was a tough call.

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