10| Gone

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"There's always hope."


I chuckled, watching as a very likely hungover Rick headed over to the table.

"Are you hungover?" Carl innocently replied, causing Lori's eyes to widen. "Mom said you would be."

Rick sat down across from me. "Mom is right."

"Mom has that annoying habit." I heard Lori mutter.

"Eggs!" T-Dog's voice rang out. "Powdered, but- but I do em good."

Glenn moaned, placing his hand on his forehead. I snorted, watching my friend's pain in mild amusement.

"I bet you can't tell." T-Dog said as he poured some onto Glenn's plate. "Protein helps the hangover."

Glenn moaned and I chuckled again.

A rattle from Rick sounded and I looked over to see him holding pain medication in his hand. "Where'd all this come from?"

"Jenner." Lori answered.

"Could you help me, please?" He handed the bottle over for her to open.

"Yeah." Lori started to twist the bottle cap. "He thought we could use it." She glanced up at Glenn. "Some of us at least."

Glenn groaned. "Don't ever let me drink again."

"Hey." We all looked up to see a rough looking Shane walk in.

Rick smirked. "Feel as bad as I do?"

"Worse." Shane mumbled, heading over to the coffee pot. I frowned, noticing as scratch on his neck.

"The hell happened to you?" T-Dog asked, obviously noticing the scratch too. Shane turned to him questioningly. "Your neck."

"I must have done it in my sleep."

He sat down beside me and I glanced up at his neck. Three, dark, dried bloodied nail scratches.

Rick narrowed his eyes at his best friend. "Never seen you do that before."

"Me neither." I saw him glance over at Lori, who seemed to be avoiding his gaze. I frowned, watching the two of them.

"Morning." I turned around, noticing Jenner walking over to us. He headed to the coffee pot and poured some for himself.

"Hey, Doc." Shane said, a few others chiming in and replying too.

"Doctor." Dale spoke up. "I don't mean to spam you with questions first thing-"

"But you will anyway."

"We didn't come here for the eggs." Andrea said bluntly.


"Give me playback of TS-19." Jenner stated, pushing a couple of buttons.

"Playback of TS-19."

Jenner turned back to face us. "Few people ever got a chance to see this." The screen was showing an X-ray of a head in different positions. "Very few."

"Is that a brain?"

Jenner looked over at Carl with a smile. "An extraordinary one. Not that it matters in the end. Take us in for E.I.V."

"Enhanced internal view."

The screen changed and zoomed in on the brain. It turned the body and showed it at a new sideways angle. Light flickered where the brain was, making it all colourful.
It was entrancing, like watching a colourful explosion of fireworks.

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