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"Don't look back!"

"Son of a bitch," I snapped harshly, my stomach beginning to churn in anger. Without uttering so much as another word, Daryl and I began to rush down to the courtyard, where Rick, Maggie, Jade, Carl and some of the others were already gathered in a small group.

"Rick!" The Governor bellowed, his monstrous voice carrying through the air. "Come down here! We need to talk!"

"What the hell is going on?" Olivia spoke up from behind me, seeming out of breath, as if she'd just ran the whole length of the courtyard to get to us. Jade quickly turned her head, her worried eyes falling slightly as she reached for her girlfriend's hand.

I found myself, along with the others, looking towards Rick, who was staring down at the ground with a fixed expression. I spared another glance at the Governor's heavily armed group, my heart pounding as I began to realise the severity of the situation.

I knew that Rick was afraid, and that in itself did not comfort me. I knew what he was thinking; how the hell could this man be gone for eight months and then show up out of nowhere? This was supposed to have been finished a long time ago.

After a short deal of time, Rick finally lifted his head up, his jaw clenched. "It's not up to me!" he shouted back. "There's a council now. They run this place!"

A cruel hint of a smirk began to curl on the Governor's lips, and he let out a taunting, half hearted laugh, the sound sickening to my ears. "Is Hershel on the council?" I frowned for a moment, unsure as to why he'd asked that, until he motioned to a member of his army. The man turned towards a car, roughly hauling someone from the back seat. Maggie and Beth both involuntarily gasped as all eyes fell on Hershel Greene, who was bound by some rope around his wrists. "What about Michonne?" My stomach dropped. "She on the council, too?"

Frozen still, I watched as Michonne was dragged out from the back seat of the same car, arms tied behind her back just like Hershel's. Both of them were pushed to their knees in front of the tank.

"I don't make decisions anymore!"

"You're making the decisions today, Rick," the Governor yelled back, a menacing tone in his voice. "Come down here. Let's have that talk."

Rick slowly turned his head back, briefly meeting eyes with both Daryl and I, as if he was asking for our opinions. I nodded in response, and Rick exhaled heavily, also nodding to himself as he began to turn his attention to Carl. "We can do this. All right?"

Carl seemed to agree, standing tall beside his father. Rick moved his hand away from his son's shoulder, and I moved forwards, clasping my own hand on Carl's forearm, squeezing it tightly for reassurance. Slowly, Rick began to pull the gate open, closing it shut behind him before he made his way down to the fence, which separated us from the Governor's army.

"We can't take 'em all on," Daryl stated, looking towards us. "We'll go through the admin building, through the woods like we planned. We ain't got the numbers no more."

"When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?" I questioned, turning my attention to the others.

"Day before we hit the Big Spot," Olivia responded, a heavy sigh following. "We were running low on rations then. We're lower now."

"Yeah, we'll manage," Daryl assured, nodding at me before glancing over at the others. "Things go south, everyone heads for that bus. Let everybody know."

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