19| Chances

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"What are you holding on to, Blaire?"

"You come here too?"

Daryl half heartedly turned his head to face me. He grunted, giving me a small shrug in response. Sighing, I sat down on the grass beside him, curling my knees up to my chest.

After I'd confessed everything to Glenn, he completely froze up and didn't say anything. I ended up walking away, regretting everything, my heart feeling like it had shattered into pieces. Things between us had been awkward for the rest of the day and I needed to disappear for a while.

I wasn't angry at Glenn. Well, I was kinda mad, but more at myself. I set my expectations too high and I ended up completely humiliated. I thought it would be like the movies, the happy ever after. But I was stupid to believe that. And it hurt, it really hurt.

"I'm sorry," I said, glancing at Daryl. "About Sophia. Getting over something, it's hard. I get it Daryl, I do. Finding Sophia kept you going. It gave you something to live for each day. And it hurts. Losing that thing, that hope, it hurts- I should know. But you're still here. And that's all for a reason," I shook my head, swallowing thickly. "I can't believe I'm saying this but, I need you. This whole group needs you. I know how much you've been through, I know how much this hurts. So if you ever need someone, I'm here."

Daryl nodded, not saying anything in reply. The two of us sat in silence, staring into the distance. It was a hot day, yet it still hadn't stopped us from digging the graves to bury the Greene's loved ones, along with Sophia. Everybody was exhausted, emotionally and physically. It had been a difficult past few hours.

"You know-" I started, a rustling in the trees cutting me off. Almost immediately, Daryl and I stood up, him grabbing his crossbow and me reaching for the gun in my back pocket.

There was nothing for a while until I heard a twig snap. The two of us stood back to back, my eyes flitting around to pinpoint the sound. Just as I was about to lower my gun, thinking it was probably nothing, there was another loud rustling and something started to stumble out of the woods.

I aimed my gun again, watching apprehensively as I tried to make out whether it was a human or a walker. A girl, my age, or maybe a couple of years older, tripped slightly as she came into our sights. I felt Daryl tense beside me and I tightened my grip on the gun.

"Who are you?!" I shouted over to the brunette, who froze on the spot, not saying anything. "I said, who are you? Why are you here?!"

Daryl stormed over to her whilst I slowly stepped over, still keeping my gun raised. "Gonna answer her or what?"

Daryl's voice was harsh and the girl flinched slightly before straightening up. "I'm Olivia Ross. I-"

"Show us yer weapons," Daryl snapped, cutting her off. "Weapons, now!"

Slowly, she held up a knife in her hands. "Drop it," I commanded. She hesitated slightly before letting it fall from her hands, watching the two of us. "Anything else?"

"No that's it," she replied as I started to lower my gun. Daryl kept his crossbow lifted.

"Have you been bitten?" I questioned, stepping closer to her, trying to identify any bite marks or scratches on her skin, as well as looking for any more weapons. There was a piece of material around her arm, acting like a bandage. "Scratched?"

"Not by a walker," she replied firmly. "I tripped and caught it."

Daryl glanced at me and I sighed, trying to think things through. She seemed decent enough but I didn't want to risk anything. Plus, it was usually Rick or Shane's call and neither were around right now. If we brought her back, Shane would probably explode.

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