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Inspired by a one shot that ive been reading for the past few days.I forgot who wrote it though!! :(

Meghan's POV

So today I decided to do a 'Truth or Dare' with my megatronz.

I tweeted this
Hey megatronz! So I decided that I'll be doing a 'truth or dare' with you all!! Just for fun!
Comment some questions and dares. I'm gonna pick which ones I like.

I opened my camera and videotaped the happenings

"wacha doin'?"Charlie asked while Giving me a kiss on the forehead

"I'm doing 'truth or dare' with my megatronz. Wanna join me?"

"sure, that sounds like fun"

He sat next to me and we went through some of the comments

"okay. Dare"

I looked on some of the dares for me. I finally found an easy dare

"french kiss with Charlie for five minutes"I said as I read out the dare

"really?! We gotta do this?"
Charlie whispered

"it's fine! Just pretend that we're all alone. And no one is watching us"

"okay, I guess"

I stared into Charlie's brown hazel eyes. Our eyes locked, our faces went closer and closer until our lips met

After five minutes of french kissing..I started to giggle

"what's The matter?!"Charlie said while giggling also

"nothing. It's just that-we've never kissed around people before"

"get used to it"


I searched in the comments some questions..

"what is your favorite sex position?" I said. WTF?! Are these questions

"what? Are you serious?"Charlie said while laughing

"well....next question!!"

I searched for another one

"what is your favorite color?..umm..black, turquoise. That's it!"

"really?! You like black?"Charlie asked

"yeah..is that new to you?"



I found another easy dare

"do a staring contest with Charlie..this is so easy"

"yeah. Let's do it"

Me and Charlie faced each other and stared at each other's eyes

After a few seconds. Charlie kissed me

"wha-why did you do that?"
I said while laughing

"nothing.it's just that-when I look at you I always want to kiss you"
I faced the camera

"bye guys!! That's it for today"
I said and I closed my laptop. I faced Charlie again

"you wanna do a little show for me?" I said to Charlie and I winked at him.he just looked at me with a confused face

"oh!okay"he laughed and kissed me rough."God! I love you meghan" he said in between kisses

"I love you too Charlie"

Guys this chapter is kinda funny, right?. No?. Okay.

Anyways, I'll be doing some one shots later

Xx Bye xX

Marlie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now