Coffee Shop

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Meghan's POV

"Emmy, I'm going out for a coffee okay?" I put on a black long sleeves, black baggy pants- wait, no. Black jeans, black cotton boots, a thick black coat and a black half mask. Just incase my lips were freezing

I stepped out of the house and put my hand inside my coat as I carry my bag, it has my music book and ukulele inside, one thing about me is that I always hangout on the coffee shop around the block carrying my bag

When I reached my hangout place I immediately went inside and felt the warm feeling inside the shop and smelled the aroma of a tasty coffee, I sat at the corner and noticed a guy at the counter brewing a coffee. I guess he's a barista, he looked good on his uniform. What am I thinking?! WTF?!

Not minding the surroundings I removed my coat and took out my notepad that has song lyrics in it

Minutes later I was finished on writing a song for the barista, I took a glance at the counter, he was gone. Maybe his shift was done, this was the first time that I saw him in here

"are you looking for me?" I heard a voice next to me and I looked up and saw the barista looking down at me with a sweet smile, I blushed and looked away

"is that for me?" he took my notepad and I was shocked, my head was buffering until I recovered and steal the notebook from him as he chuckled and sat infront of me

"I'm Charlie puth! Nice to meet you miss.." he said with a hint of questionting in his voice, I decided to look at him directly

"meghan, meghan trainor. Hello!" I said before slowly smiling at him

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