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Meghan's POV

I haven't seen Charlie in a long time.. I wonder what he's doing right know, maybe he has a girlfriend already.

"mom! Let's go" Charlie said while going down the stairs, we're going at a private party on Hollywood. Charlie is my daughter, I named her Charlie because of Charlie obviously.

Her father died while I gave birth to her.. I only married his father because I don't have anyone to love but him, I still love Charlie that time

"coming char" I grabbed my heels and hurried downstairs.

"you ready?" char said while fixing her dress

"yep" I looked in the mirror and also fixed my dress
"let's go"

Both of us walked out the door and went inside the limo

The driver drove to the venue, while we're on the road music was playing so loud in the car.. Me and char were jamming to our favorite songs then charlie's some came on

"what? We is this singer? He's really good, right mom?" I stay silent and just looked out the window

"Charlie" I whispered

"mom, what's wrong"

"nothing, please change the song"
The driver changed the song and focused on driving again

"you don't like the singer mom?"

"Charlie" I still whispered. There was awkward silence in the car, music still playing then we reached the venue


"Good evening Ms. Trainor" one of the crew said



The party is amazing, there's so many singers here.. Mostly of them are my besties. Char was talking to some guys hitting on her.. It's okay, she's already 19 she needs to find someone in her life

"hey gurl" fancy said
"why are you here? Are you bored?"


"talk to the people around you, they're all famous"

"I guess I could try"


Some singers were performing on the stage then I heard the MC called out

"please welcome, Charlie puth" all of them clapped, I looked at the stage and saw Charlie adjusting her mic

"hello everyone" he smiled at the crowd
"this is for my one true love, meghan trainor.. I haven't seen her in a while. Meghan if you're here just listen to my song" he said, tears were starting to spill out of his eyes

I walked infront the stage and just stared at charlie while he perform his song "some type of love"

He looks at the crowd and caught me.. He looks at me and said
"meghan" he stopped performing and they all looked at me

I looked at my feet cause everyone was staring at me

Charlie went up to me and cupped my face
"meghan" he said Tears were starting to spill out of my eyes, I sent have the courage to look at him. Not now.
"meghan please" the spotlight shined on the two of us. I couldn't take it anymore, I hugged him and pecked him on the lips

"Charlie, why did you left me?" I said while crying

"I'm sorry meghan"

"Charlie dont ever leave me again" we hugged and kissed passionately, some people in the crowd whistled

"get a room" I heard someone screamed, it's clearly fancy. He is crazy you know

We faced the crowd and smiled at them
"everyone, this is my girlfriend. Meghan trainor"

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