im always here

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Third person's POV

Meghan is in the living room, holding her baby. She is crying while singing to her daughter a lullaby.
It's been a year since Charlie died from a car accident. She misses him, there won't be a second where she doesn't think about him. Be strong meghan, be strong for your daughter. She thought to herself

Her daughter's name is Savannah, she is a clone of meghan. She had big green emerald eyes, shimmering blonde hair like Meghan's

Meghan's POV

I'm crying all day because of Charlie.

"what if I, I wanna kiss yo-you tomorrow" I sang to my daughter my song as a lullaby
"let's go to daddy's grave" she just whimpers, she's so adorable like her father....Charlie.

I layed Savannah on her crib and took a bath. I'm still thinking about Charlie

After taking a bath, I looked at savannah's crib. She's awake, she's staring at the wall.

"hey baby, you're so cute" I picked her up and dressed her


I went downstairs, grabbed my car and house keys.

I locked the door behind me and walked to my car

I drove to the cemetery where Charlie is buried


After driving for a couple of minutes, me and Savannah are finally here.

I walked to Charlie's grave...I can feel that he's here with me, holding my hand

I just stood infront of Charlie's grave, crying....I miss him so much

"Charlie why did you left me? When I needed you the most....huh? Answer me Charles!! Why did you left me all alone?" I'm on my knees while yelling at Charlie's grave...I can feel someone holding my shoulders, I turned around, nobody was there. It's cha- Charlie...

"Charlie, are you here? Please give me a sign!!" I stated....I can feel him whisper in my ears

"I'm always here meghan, remember that."


Hey guys!! This was kinda emotional, right?
I'm running out of ideas!! Please help me!


Xx Bye xX

Marlie One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora