Make Love To Her All Night

476 16 4

Charlie's POV

I've been so stressed lately because of my career.. Being a singer is hard you know!

I invited meghan to come to a club with me to ease my mind and dance my stress away even though I suck at dancing..YOLO!!
(I always say YOLO In real life)

Meghan drank to much alcohol and been dancing all night.. She even fell over earlier while dancing

"Charlie dance with me"

"meghan, no. You know I don't dance, and besides let's go home! It's already one in the morning"

"come on! It's fun" she keeps pulling my arm on the dance floor.. I can't take it anymore, she's so cute

"fine" I got up and we went to the dance floor.. I really suck at this

I just moved to whatever the DJ Is playing, I looked over to meghan and to be honest.. I want to rake her dress off and make love to her all night, after all she's drunk right? She won't remember a thing

"this is fun!! Wooh!!" meghan's drink spilled on her shirt
"oops" she giggled and just continued, I can kinda see her bra.. Oh God! Stop Charlie, she's your bestfriend

"meghan, let's go!" I pulled her to the exit and straight to my car

I was about to open the car door but she stopped me
"Charlie wait" she held my shoulders and took her heels off
"these shoes are killing me" I giggled and opened the door for her

I circled around and went on the other side, I drove to my house cause I want to do something for meghan.. If you know what I mean ;)

I parked and went outside, I helped meghan on our way to my apartment. She's not even heavy

I decided to carry her bridestyle
"weeh!!" she shouted, she rested her head on my shoulders
"I love you"

"what?" I said and laughed nervously


We reached my door, I opened it and placed meghan on the couch

"let's makeout" she suggested, she's really when she's drunk huh? Good for me!

"sure" I quickly answered, She stood up and took off her dress revealing her perfect and flawless body, she left her bra and panty on

"I thought we were only gonna makeout?"

"I changed my mind"
I just stared at her body and not making eye contact

"you're so sexy"
She leaned in closer and placed her lips into mine.. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was quickly carried away and I accidentally held her butt.. She smiled in the kiss and I let my tounge in her mouth which she allowed

I picked her up and pinned her in the wall.. Deepening the kiss, our tounges exploring eachothers mouth

I put her down and I began to undo my Polo and my jeans, meghan took off her bra, my eyes were wide at the sight of her boobs

"let's go" I led her to my room, I want this.. I want us

I closed the door and began to kiss her again

I pushed her in the bed, she bit her bottom lip which cause me to want her more

Meghan's POV

Charlie took off his boxers and placed a condom in his member

"this is going to hurt, but trust me it's worth it" he winked at me. He lined himself to me and entered me

It hurts like a bitch but suddenly pleasure came

"Ahh!! Charlie!!" I adjusted at his member and he began to thrust
"oh god!" is all I can say.. It really hurts, this is my first time doing this but I want to do this

He just kept on thrusting into me, he's thrusts were getting sloppier, I dug my nails at his back and scratched it lightly

"oh meghan" he moaned.. My cat was clenching in his member and I can feel myself about to release.. I feel his member hit my g-spot which causes me to scream

"keep going"
He keeps on going faster and deeper..after a few more thrust, released in his member

Here we came undone. He layed down beside me, breathing heavily.. That was the most amazing thing I have ever done in my whole life

"will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, he pulled me closer to him and covered a blanket on top of us, he kissed my forehead and after a few minutes the both of us fell asleep


The sunlight was beeping in my eyes..

"close the drapes" I said, I opened my eyes and was shocked to see that I was in a different room and my head Fucking hurts

I feel someone stir bestie me.. I feel the Person's hot breath in my skin.. What have I done?!

I quickly stood up and snatched the blanket to cover myself



"we didn't..."

"I hope so.."

"oh god!!" I mentally facepalmed myself
"can I use the bathroom, or maybe take a shower?"

"sure, it's over there" he pointed to the door to my left, I open the door and quickly locked it. I slid down trying to remember what happened last night

I walked out of the bathroom still covering my whole body with a blanket..

"Charlie, I remembered everything and I realized I didn't answered your question"

"what's your answer then?"



He hugged me I realized that he was naked, I tried to cover my eyes with my hands but I couldn't help but peek at the sight

"please put some clothes on, it's tempting me" he laughed and pulled away

"sure thing ma'am"

Fuck! This is so good!! Wooh!! I can't believe that I wrote this though.. Thanks again for the 3k reads!!

Ily all

Xx Rein xX

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