Give Me That Title

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Meghan's POV

I'm here at my apartment watching TV, I'm obviously waiting for Charlie's interview on billboard

Next up charlie puth: impersonating meghan trainor
The announcer said

Wooh!! Here it comes!

"hello charlie"


"so can you do an impersonation of meghan"

"of course"
"how you doin'?, oh no, no, no honey no, no, no..oh no no (in a tone of Meghan's voice)"

"is that her thing?"

"that's her thing"

"that is super dope, okay umm.. One question charlie, are you and meghan together?" he better answer right, or I'm gonna kill him

"no, we're just friends"

I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, I hate him.. When he gets home I'm gonna have to talk to him

"hey babe" Charlie said while leaning closer to give me a peck on the lips, I pushed him on the chest lightly

"what did say at the interview?"

"I impersonated you and the reporter asked if you and I are a thing"

"and? What did you say?" I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms, patiently waiting for his answer


"that what?"

"we're together" I rolled my eyes

"wrong answer"

"you watched?"

"of course I watched it, why wouldn't I?"

"I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't watch because you're busy"

"Charlie, I want us to be in public. Are you ashamed to give me a title?"

"no I'm not"

"then why aren't you telling everyone that we're a thing? You keep telling them that we're just friends.. Do you really want this?"

"of course not. I promise you, I'll tell the public soon"

"you better do that Charles"

Charlie's POV

Shit, she called me by my real name which I hate the most

"I'm sorry meghan" I pulled her closer to me and whispered "I love you babe"

"I Love you too babe" she said, she placed her hands on my neck and pulled me in for a kiss

The kiss was sweet and passionate

I hear a clearing of throat, so we pulled away and smiled

"will you two lovebirds just do your job in the bedroom, not in the hallway" Ryan said, me and meghan just laughed

I grabbed meghan's hand and dragged her to her bedroom, to finish where we left at

Hey! Sorry for not updating 'credit'

Later, maybe I'll update

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