Im gonna be a father!!

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She looks so beautiful in the pic!! Anyways.. Hope you like this new update:

Meghan's POV

I woke up feeling dizzy.. Why?
I ran to the bathroom while holding my mouth

I puked all over the toilet and flushed it.. Charlie came rushing while holding a pan in his hand

"babe what happened?!"

"I puked"


"I don't know"

"did you ate something bad last night?"

"maybe".. Wait, if I didn't ate something last night then maybe I'm.. Meghan,! You can't be pregnant you're still not ready

Charlie came back to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water in his hand

"here, drink some water" he said while giving the glass to me

"thanks" I grabbed it and drank it all. Charlie placed his hands in my back and rubbed it for comfort

"it's okay, I'm here" tears were about to spill out of my eyes but I held on and just rested my head on charlie's chest
"I love you"

"I love you too"

"babe! I'm going to the store, do you want anything?" Charlie said, he grabbed his phone and was ready to go out the house

"no thank you, I'm fine"

"okay, wait for me when I get back okay.. I'll be home in five minutes" he gave me a peck on the lips, opened the door and left. I closed the door behind him and quickly called Emmy

"hey gurl! What's up?"

"Emmy, please come here! It's urgent"

"I'm on my way" she hungs up, I tossed my phone on the couch and watched TV while waiting for her

After like two minutes.. I heard a knock on the door, I stood up to check who It was. It's Emmy

"what do you need?" she said while walking inside the house, she sat on the couch

"a pregnancy test" Emmy eyes got widened and a creepy smile trailed in her thin lips

"what for?"

"I don't really want to say this but I think I'm pregnant"

"okay, come with me" Emmy stood up, grabbed my hand then we went straight out the door and to her car


"okay.. Let's see" I grabbed the box of the test and looked at the instructions
"seems pretty easy" I heard my phone rang, I got a text from someone

"hey babe, Im gonna be late. It's so traffic! I bought pizza, see you later ;)"

Aww.. He's so sweet, but I hope if I'm really pregnant he'll love this baby

I walked straight to the bathroom to do the test

"I'll be here of you need me Meg" Emmy shouted from the outside of the bathroom

I peed on the stick and placed it on the sink, I have to wait two minutes

I stepped out of the bathroom and wait

After two minutes, I grabbed the test and looked.. Positive!!!



"I'm pregnant"

"I'm so happy for you!!" she hugged me and we jumped up and down

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a mother"

"bet Charlie with be thrilled" yeah I hope so..


"hey babe! I'm home" I walked up to him and hugged him

"Charlie I need to tell you something"

"okay, what Is it?" we sat on the couch.. I loomed into his eyes and sees a look of concern.

"I'm pregnant"

"really? Yes!!!!!"

"what? You're not mad?"

"why would I be mad? I'm gonna be a father" he picks me up and spins me around. I felt dizzy

"Charlie!! Put me down I'm going to puke on your face if you don't" he quickly puts me down gently and chuckled

"I'm gonna be a dad" he hugged me so tight.

Wooh! I'm turning 13 and FYI: my boyfriend broke up with me.. :( which is super fine.. :)

More updates to come

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