My Friend's Ex pt. 2

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Meghan's POV

I'm like the happiest person In the world right now cause I met Charlie. If Brian rejects me again I'm totally gonna hit on charlie.

Charlie's POV

I texted Brian and told him to meet me In the cafe tomorrow

I'm gonna talk to him about meghan, I know I only met meghan last week but it's like I've known her my whole life, we have so much in common. I kinda liked her but I'm not gonna assume that she likes me back cause she still loves Brian


"hey man! You wanted to see me?" Brian said while giving me a bro hug

"yeah, sit down" I motioned for him to sit down.. I sat also and talked
"I told you to come here because I need to talk to you about something"

"what is it?"

"I know you've cheated on meghan"

"wha-who told you that?"

"she told me" he looks at his lap and became silent

"I'm sorry, I never meant to do it. But please do me a favor and tell meghan that I love her and don't worry cause Im happy with my new girlfriend" when Brian said those I felt sad for meghan and a bit happy cause I finally have the chance to get her..

Two weeks passed..

"meghan, I need to tell you something"

"okay, is it about Brian?"


"okay.. I'm listening"

"he said that he loves you and don't worry cause he's happy with his new girlfriend"

"I'm already over him"
"I have already found my true love" my heart sunk when she said those words.. Who could her true love be?

"who is it?" she slammed her lips into mine. She pulled away and smiled

"I've been really keeping this for a long time now, but I really, really like you charlie" we hugged and kissed again

"you've never know how much you made me the happiest man alive" I said in between kisses

"and you've made me the happiest girl alive char"

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