Tweet Pt. 2

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Charlie's POV

I was taken aback when I saw my one true love right infront of my eyes, she's still beautiful

"Charlie, what's up.. It's been a long time" what? It's not awkward between us anymore.. Okay, I'm a little confused about her actions

"yeah.." is all that I can say. I looked at her hand and saw no sign of the ring
"where's your ring?"

"oh.. Umm.. We divorced" I had mixed feelings. I'm a little sad and a little happy

"I'm so sorry"

"it's okay"
"hey wanna hangout and have a cup of coffee??"

"uhh.. Sure"

We walked our way to the coffee shop

We sat at the table and chat

"so what's new in your life?" I said

"nothing much, I'm kinda happy that me and Brian divorced"


"okay I'll tell you why but promise me, you won't tell anyone"

"I promise" she leaned closer to my ear and whispered
"he's not you" I gasped and looked at her straight in the eye

"meghan, I-I thought-" I was cut off when meghan kissed me

"I love you so much Charlie, I'm crazy for You.. I think of you every single day of my life, I-" I cut her off by kissing her once more, tasting her lips is so addictive, it's like a drug that I can't resist

"so, Is there still a chance that we can be together again?"

"but promise me, you won't cheat anymore.. I promise, I'll kill you with my bear hands if I have to"

"I promise" I grabbed her hand and gently kissed it
"I love you meghan"

"I love you too, Charlie"

This is it!! Ha!! Thanks for reading the part 1 ;)

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