Love Me Than Hate Me

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Charlie, Charlie Puth. The bad boy who makes everyone feel aroused all the time. Except for Meghan, she's not impressed by his looks, his hotness, and his body that was absolutely to die for. Charlie has been interested at Meghan recently because she's not like the other girls he laid his eyes on, she was tough and wouldn't give a shit.

She holds her textbooks tightly against her chest while walking to her locker, obviously just got out of her first period. People were walking around, giggling and laughing at nonsense. She was always had been a complete loner, but it wasn't her fault that no one talks to her, she doesn't really care as long as she's doing good at school, friends didn't really matter. She opens her locker and she places her books inside. When she closed it, Charlie had his back leaned against the lockers that was beside hers while wearing a wide smirk on his face.

"Thought I'd see you here." He mutters, the smirk still not leaving his face. Meghan rolled her eyes and sighed, completely annoyed by the fact that he was really talking to her. See, she doesn't really like boys because she thinks they're gross and a complete and total ass.

"What do you want, jerk face?" She asked.

"Sassy. I like it." She rolls her eyes at him again and he just chuckled at that.

"Shut up." She said before turning her heels around and started walking to her second period, which was History. She was taken aback when a strong hand spins her around by the shoulder and suddenly, Charlie's lips was attached to hers. She had widen eyes, while Charlie's eyes were closed. She pushed him hard on the chest, mouth agape, still utterly speechless. She rushed to get out of the scene and ran to her second class, not looking back at him.

"Cute." He mutters against his breath. The smirk changes into a grin.


It's been years since they last talked. They are now graduated and has been separated ever since they kissed. Her hate for him made Charlie feel nervous every time he would ask her out when they were still in high school, but he never really had the courage to ask. Yes, Meghan hated him and she made it very clear for the lover boy.

"Mom, I know I'm all grown up, but I'm still gonna be your baby girl though," she gives her mom a reassuring smile before pulling her in for hug, "I love you so much, mama." She mumbles against her mom's shoulder, feeling the urge to cry right there on the spot.

"I love you too, baby." Her mom replied. When they pull away, both woman giggled and a comfortable silence suddenly took over the two. "Your dad's waiting for me outside, I gotta go now. I love you, baby." She kissed her daughter's cheek before walking outside of her apartment.

"Bye, mama." She whispers, blowing her a kiss before her father started the engine and took off with speed.

When the car disappeared, she then cried her eyes out. A sudden knock on the door startles her. She stood up and lazily opened the door, only to find the guy that he hated when she was still in high school. Well, he changed. She thought. He was now perfectly gorgeous not like he was before. His hair had grown a little longer than it was years ago, and in complete honesty, she was kind of intimidated by the man now.

"Hi, I'm your neighbor." He gives Meghan a smile that made her heart flutter. "I'm Charlie by the way."

"Meghan, the girl you kissed at high school." She said with a smirk. Oh he truly knows who she was, the girl of her dreams, right here in front of her, still looking hot and gorgeous like before.

"Uhh.. I have kissed a lot of girls," Charlie jokes at her.

"I'm the one you kissed by the lockers and I rushed off to go to class." She explains. Of course he remembers everything, that was the only kissed in his life that he actually remembered because it was the best. He lets out a silent chuckle and he bit his lip gently.

"Yeah, I know babe." He says softly.

"What do you want, jerk face?" She asked, giggling.

"I was gonna offer you a dinner at my place, but you called me jerk face so I change my mind." He blurts out.

"Whatever you say," she spats before attempting to close the door, but he blocks his foot so she can't close it.

"I'm sorry. I'm just messing you with you, you know that. Please go out with me— I mean, right now— not go out with me, like on a date but— I mean, I would like to go out with you and all—" he was cut off by Meghan's lips smashing against his, shutting him up.

"Shut up, cutie." She mumbles against his lip.

"I will." He remarks.

And that's when their life together started. She did hate boys, but Charlie was an exception. Maybe after all this years, she really did loved him.

(A/N: So that's that. It's shorter than I expected it to be, but i don't care. Haha.

Bye, Lovelies xx -Rein)

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