The Girl With No Name

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The girl with no name.

That's what Charlie calls the girl that he saw on Starbucks this afternoon. Red hair, curves to die for, and the most perfect emerald green eyes he had ever seen. He's right now chatting with his friend, Nick, they're talking about this mysterious girl with no name.

"I'm telling you dude, she's absolute perfection! She's like a goddess and when I looked at her, it feels like everything stopped and we're the only ones that were in this world." He explains, while still dreamily thinking about the red headed girl.

"Dude, enough about this mysterious girl that has no name. I get it, you had love at first sight." Nick whined. Charlie just sighed and took a sip of his coffee. "But hold on," Nick suddenly blurts out. "Was she really gorgeous? Like, Scarlett Johansson gorgeous?"

"Dude, she's more gorgeous than black widow. I think God sent her down here from heaven because she's my guardian angel." Nick just chuckled at how Charlie is being sweet and cute, he's like a little boy who just had his first crush.

"You're acting like a little boy."

"I'm not!" Charlie defends. Nick bit his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing at the 24 yr old who's acting like a child.

"Fine! You're not." Nick said in defeat. This was the only way to stop Charlie for acting like a toddler.

"Whatever, I'm going on a date tomorrow. my mom had set me up with someone, I said yes just to get it over with." Charlie sighed.

"How about that girl with no name?" Nick asks, confused on what Charlie's plan was.

"I don't know, man." He brush his hand through his brown, fluffy hair and let out a loud sigh, "I don't even know the girl, how can I be sure that I'm gonna see her again? What if I don't? Yeah, she's great and all but I don't know if she felt love at first sight as well... I just... Don't know."

He really doesn't know.


Charlie rushed to his car, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He's running late because he spent his time fixing his hair and making everything perfect for this date. It's been a few years since he's been on a date and he doesn't want to screw this all up. Mostly because his mom was expecting this date to turn out good. So it must be perfect, he doesn't want his mom to be disappointed. Everything was kinda like a surprise, really. He doesn't know what this girl's name was and what her relation is to his mom. Why she would agree for him to take her out on a date, hell she doesn't even know the man. But when Charlie's mother mentioned him to her, she thought he was wonderful by how his mother described him.

Anyway, right now he's already outside the restaurant where his mother told him to go. He was finally gonna meet her. To his surprise, he was feeling a little nervous and excited at the same time. Afraid that the girl's not gonna like the date, and excited because it's been a long time since he went out with a girl.

A waiter opened the door for him, he thanked the man and texted his mom that he was here and what was he gonna say because he clearly doesn't know what his date's name was. Her mom replied back instantly and texted him back with 'tell the receptionist: table for two, Meghan trainor. This girl's amazing, Hun, have fun! xx' and he did just that.

When he arrived at the table, a girl with red hair was sitting there, her back facing Charlie. Charlie cleared his throat so the red headed girl will face him, when she turned to face him, Charlie was lost.. This is the girl with no name, he thought.

"Hi!" She said cheerfully, a big smile displayed on her gorgeous face. "I'm Meghan, Meghan Trainor. You must be Charlie." She added. "It's nice to finally meet you," she extended her hand out for Charlie to shake, but he just stood there, mouth slightly ajar, obviously captivated by the gorgeous sight that was in front of him.

He finally snap back into reality and gave Meghan a charming smile, "Uh-huh. Yeah, that's me." He said, taking Meghan's hand and gently shaking it. "It's nice to finally meet you too." Meghan gestured for him to sit down and he did.

After hours of chatting and getting to know each other, Charlie said something that really made Meghan's heart stop.

"You're so gorgeous." He mumbled, but she heard what he said.

"I'm sorry?" She asked, her eyebrows raised. Charlie was lost with his words.

"Look, Meghan," he said. "I've already seen you to be honest, but I didn't catch your name because you left early while you were at Starbucks. I was gonna introduce myself but then you stood up and I felt sad. And now that you're here in front of me, I will never let you go again." He said to her.

"Wait.." She trailed off, "You're the guy who was creepily staring at me.. That's why I left, I thought you were gonna murder me or something so I just stood up and left." She giggled, and it was the best sound Charlie heard in his entire life. Fuck he really love this woman, he was totally head over heels for her, head over heels for the gorgeous young woman that was sitting in front of him.

"I'm not gonna do that, princess!" He retorts. "Who would hurt such an innocent human being as you?" He coos, and Meghan smirks at that.

"I'm not that innocent.." She mumbles.

"It's only our first date and you're already naughty. Hmmm... Such a bad girl." He said. Charlie took her by surprise when he called her a bad girl. Both of them laughed and then they decided to go and watch movies at Charlie's place. instead of talking inside a fancy restaurant, they wanted a little privacy.


"When I was telling my friend Nick about you, I kept calling you the girl with no name." Charlie spat.

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because I didn't know your name. duh?" Meghan laughed at Charlie's adorableness.

"Well, now you do." And with that, they shared a long heated kiss before drifting off to sleep.

At first she doesn't have a name, but now she does.

(A/N: tell me guys what you think in the comments. I'm so sorry for not updating recently. I'm just really busy with school, like always. Anyways, I wish you guys liked this one shot.

Bye, Lovelies xx -Rein)

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