Stuck With My Love

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Meghan's POV

Today I decided to go to school early so I can play uke at school without anyone listening to me..

I drove to school and parked the car at the parking lot

I walked to the quiet and empty's kinda scary!! I suddenly heard a bang and got scared, I ran to my classroom while squeeling and shut the door

I didn't noticed that Charlie was there writing songs, I turned around and smiled..this is awkward

"hi, I didn't noticed you there..what's up?" I said nervously

"not much, just writing songs"

"can I hear it?"


He sang his songs..the lights were off but we can still see each other

Meanwhile, we heard the door lock..uh oh! I walked to the door and tried to open the door..I remembered what our professor told us yesterday

"there's no classes tomorrow"

This is so fucked up!! Guess I will be stuck with my love, Charlie..

I sat next to him and strummed my uke and started singing..when I was done, Charlie clapped

"that was beautiful" he said while clapping

"thanks" I looked down and blushed. A silence surrounded the room for a minute

"so, guess we'll be here until tomorrow, good thing I brought an extra t-shirt" he said while tapping his backpack

"me too"

I whistled and just stared at the wall thinking... How will I say 'i love you' to the love of my life

Charlie..if only you knew how I feel about you

Guys!! Is this good...comment ideas please, I need ideas


Xx Bye xX

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