One And Only Forever pt. 2

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Meghan's POV

I walk out of our bedroom and saw Charlie sitting on the couch. My legs began to shake again. I take a deep breath and sighed. Meghan, just do this.

I slowly walk to Charlie and sat beside him, he looks at me and smiles. "Hey, babe. What's wrong?" He wraps his arm around my torso and looks up at me.

"Charlie, I have to tell you something." He lets go and sat still. He turns to face me. I cleared my throat and began to talk. "Okay, how do i say this, uhhh.."

"Come on, Honey. Just tell me."

"Okay, Charlie. Don't be mad okay?"


There's sweat all over my body even though it's cold in here. Ugh.. I should just do this, "I'm pregnant, Charles.."

"Really?!?" He hugged me tightly and placed a hand on my belly, "I'm gonna be a daddy!!" I'm fucking confused.

"Wait, you're not mad?" I asked confused. He looks at me and chuckles.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Maybe you're not ready to be a father yet and you'll leave me and our baby," he placed his hand on my belly again and We stared into each other's eyes.

"Meghan, I love you. Whatever happens. I will fight for you and our baby, okay?" The way he said those words made me tear up. He hugged me tightly, "Baby, don't cry."

We pull away and I kissed him, "I love you, Charlie."

"I love you too, Meghan."

A/N: do you guys think I should make a part 3 for this? Let me know In the comments 😊

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