Crazy For You

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Charlie's POV

Me and meghan are in a restaurant. Eating fancy dinner

I cleared my throat, wiped my mouth with a napkin and began to talk,

"meghan, I need to ask you something"

"what is it Charlie?" I stood up from my chair and got on one knee meghan's eyes were wide
"Charlie? What are you doing?"

"just listen" I grabbed her hand
"meghan, since the first time we've met I knew already that I want to spend my whole life with you. I can't wait for us to have kids and start our own family, I promise to love you until the end"

"Charlie.." meghan's eyes were watery from all the crying she made

"yes what?"

"yes, I'll marry you" I was shocked, I quickly stood up and hugged her
A lot of people were clapping and was happy for the two of us, some of them were pics/videos. I don't mind, atleast I get to show the public how much I love meghan

"how long have you planned on doing this?" meghan asked

"last month.. I think?"

Meghan's POV

"I'm gonna do something" Charlie said, he stood up in his chair

"Charlie, what are you doing?"

"HELLO EVERYBODY!! THIS IS MEGHAN, MY WIFE!!" I held charlie's arm...

"Charlie, go down! You're crazy"

"crazy for you" I smirked and giggled, he sat again on his chair and keeps on laughing

"why are you laughing?"

"you're so cute"
"I love you"

"I love you more, Charlie" I pecked him on the lips and pulled away smiling

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